Israel Embassy , India
3, Aurangzeb Road
New Delhi
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WRIT PETITION ( CIVIL ) No. 265 of 2007.
1513,Outram Lane ,Mukherjee Nagar,Delhi-9
Address-Varsha-Telephone-(022)-2202-5151,5222:e-mail-chiefminister@maharashtra.gov.in [with companions in decision making –ANNEXURE-D]
2.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH-[POLICY DECISION-CHIEF MINISTER- Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy.] 'C' Block, 4th Floor, AP Secretariat,
Office: 23456698,23451805,23455205 ,e-mail: cmap@ap.gov.in
[with companions in decision making ANNEXURE-D ]
[with companions in decision making ANNEXURE-D ]
I.Change the names of the aforesaid :-
1.Ahmad nagar as Sai Baba Nagar in Maharashtra
2.Hyderabad and Secundrabad as one Isfahan-e-Nau in Andhara Pradesh.
3.Arabian Sea as Sindhu Sagar.
ANNEXURE A-COPIES OF E-MAILS sent to Press /Delhi University/Relevant people.All listed in chronological order with subjects along with under mentioned detailed index at
annexure beginning 27----130
a.) India Nukes US proposal to ban testing –Say Cheese
Khurana ji-
b.)Supreme Court of
c.)Rajiv Gandhi’s Ayodhya vs Sorabjee’s Police The
Hindu-----------Aug-20-Sunday 2006 38-----43
d.)Steel Industry and GSA
ESPERANTO-Mon- 4th Sept-2006 48-----52
g.)Taamra Paatra
h.)Re:Pandit Wisdom Legal Services Authority
i.)Introduction of Forensic Psychology to the Judiciary
and Law of
j)Forensic Psychology/Kapil Sibbal-advocate ji/
Mauli /turban-1999---2000 Sun-15th Oct-2006 72---82
Tue-26th )Oct—2006 83----87
l.)Babri Masjid Demolition-6th Dec—1992-
Ayodhya Cell-Forensic Psychology Sun-5th
Nov 2006 88----92
j.)PIL for renaming –Ahmednagar,
k.)Ayodhya and Sai Baba Nagar Tue-7th Nov.2006 97----99
l.)Research in Forensic Psychology Tue 7th Nov.2006 100-103
m.)Epileptic Siezures in Patients Thu-22 Dec 2005 104-106.
n.) “Law of Crimes”-Tue 1st Nov –2005. 107-
o.)Forensic Psychology and Law
p.)Re:Relevance to Judicial Proceedings(
Evidence Act-1872 Wed-21st Sept-2005 115—121.
Thu-15th Sept—2005. 122---127.
r.)Forward my Work. Sat-3rd Sept-2005. 128.
s.)The Commissioner of Police-c/o North Western
Region Public Grievance Cell
ANNEXURE B-COPIES OF NEWS PAPER /WEB ARTICLES.All listed in order of significance.to Renaming and Ayodhya Issue
a.)Board Of Research Studies-Faculty of Law--University of Delhi-7
Official Notification Dated
Mrs.Kamla Sankaran from Campus Law Centre as Co-Guide 131
b.)Permission Letter To Consult books at Law Faculty Library Delhi
University dated
c.)Permission Letter to Consult books at Central Library ,Arts Faculty
d.)Synopsis On Evaluating the Credibility of Forensic Psychology in the
Law and Judiciary of India submitted at the
e.)-Order copy and Directives of the Delhi Legal Services ,
f.)Letter from Directorate of Forensic Science ,Sector 18/A Police
Bhavan,Gandhinagar,informing me that Forensic Psychology is going to be introduced at NIMHANS.
g.)The matrimonial write –up of my paternal Aunt Smt.Pushpa
Bhalla at
h.)Write –Up of God Shiva for Blessings. 186.
i.)List of News Paper articles showing the viability of my
project on Ayodhya as well as its international repercussions. 187.--200
j.)An Appeal for a PIL at the Supreme Court to be changed
into a writ petition at the court’s earliest Discretion.
filed on
k.)Finance Ministry’s endeavor to make
services hub in keeping with re- naming of Gandhinagar. 220.
l.)The Role of Law and Judiciary in the Ayodhya case 221—231.
m.)Build –Up Of the Ayodhya Issue and famous quotes of people
connected with it----March - April 2002. 232---234.
n.) Ayodhya’s unending challenge RSS queers the PM ‘s Pitch
The Tribune-March 21-2002Chandigarh,
o.)Let the Courts Prevail-Praful Bidwai
p.) Did the P.M. Cross the Lakshman Rekha? G.Shrinivasan-
Aug-05,Tue-2003.The Hindu Business Line. 245----246
q.) Summary of Archaeological Findings at Ayodhya-
Archeological Survey of India-August 2003 247----249
r.)Ayodhya Excavation :Digging for trouble By Praful Bidwai. 250----251
s.) Archeological Findings of Ayodhya ruins –Ajoy Roy. 252-----255
All listed in Order of significance. With detailed Index placed at beginning of annexure
a.)Languishing projects of the Indian Institute of Public Administration
for Rural Electrification in Bastar and Chandrapur.-July 1980.to show
how projects progress in
b.)Demand Forecasting-Methods Application Cases J Mahendra Reddy-
Will Govern the Ayodhya Issue. 257.
c.)My father’s Photograph which I had in my Parlour In Durg
as He has always been my Guiding Light . 258
d.Graphical representation of Ayodhya and Forensic Psychology
Project.including facts of Constitution 259
e.)My Beauty Parlour walls in Durg –Chattisgarh on which I had
stuck messages ,e-mails to the press and write-ups on Forensic Psychology and Ayodhya issue .My children. 260
f.)My social circle in
BJP’s closed office when I went to give them some articles. 261.
g.)My Daughter’s first Birthday at
extreme violence was inflicted upon me in connivance
with politicians. 262.
h.)My Books at home and write –ups of International
Court of Justice at
i.)Shirdi Sai Baba with his place of abode and his Samadhi
at Shirdi in Ahmednagar. 264.
j.)Sindhu Ghati Civilization pictures along with my picture
taken at At-Home Party on 18-11-1985.,showing the gold
necklace which I bought for my marriage having similar
Design.My great loving father’s indulgence. 265--267
k.)My Sacred Hindu Books Cupboard which I have placed in
my Mandir,with the number 28 stuck on it –[1528.]Ayodhya
Project’s planning message stuck on my wall since long. 268
l.)My Beauty Parlour walls/door full of messages.My son
pointing out to the empty creams bottles showing my
popularity as a beautician. 269.
m.)My brother whose life stands destroyed to day by
vultures of the syndicate attacking innocent people
for their ill-begotten wealth,the violence spreading to my
son’s school too,where he was given a scholar badge without
scholar- badge written on it.-------------------------------------270
n.)My beautiful walls of Durg ,Chattisgarh,where I had no one
listening to my pleas, to all that I was enduring and this was the only medium of expression. 271
o.)My Tulsi Plants in Durg and the Femina which had
the most dirtiest illustrations.in Hindu Mehndi. 272
p.)Even Nature grew in three numbers always attached to me
by religious desecrators making my life hell with misuse of religious symbols. 273
q.)The tree which fell on my rose garden and no one helped me
I chopped it off and tied it back ,whereby it grew back to its
original glory. 274
r.)The Mahanirakshak was informed on what was happening at
the national level today.My children were industrious. 275
s)My Brother Vipin Dhody’s Home in
destroyed by liquor lobby.The Forensic psychology project
on my Parlour Walls. 276
t.)My eye was busted open by Mr.S.P.Kalra for supposedly
home quarrel.Dayanands Photograph hanging on Sunita’s
Head.My maternal Family which was so genteel. 277.
u.)My eye was burst on my son’s 16th birthday-[13-1-2006].The kitchen exemplifying the house which Kalra built with the help of Muslim Carpenter.Kalra’s attacks on my person are not domestic violence
but perpetrated by the minorities.The same day-16-1-2006 saw the destruction of Kingsway Nursery by desert inhabitants. 278.
v.)All complaints to police at Durg as well as Mukherjee nagar
Fell on deaf Ears.-----------------------------------------------279
w.)The muslim Syndicate’s presense at every place of the filthy rich.---280
x.) Syndicate’s bank’s presense at places of Disciplinary Authority showing their mercenary supremacy and futility of complaints. 281
y.The pictures taken in Chattisgarh were developed properly showing legible writing. 282
z.)Non –Performing assets of the country occupy bedrooms and the administration uses like photos in disease ads. 283
aa)Banks Foundation day had the union of Ashwin Jain in SBI Phaphadih branch singing Liquor songs ,who were reminded by me of the sanctity of the occasion.Masjid before Consumer redressal forum of syndicate. 284
Ab.)A double Gold medalist was reduced to a fat lump by the police authorities of Delhi.,by psychotropic drugs administered after Police compliant by me for violence by Kalra aided by the corrupt
Ram hospital. Anyone has the authority to destroy a whole family
for religion 285.
Ac.)The blue Shiva Statue which was replaced by Mehrauli politicians.
The Ayodhya CBI cell.My painting Endeavors and Kalra’s filthy
brainwork of getting the toilet made blue. 286
A.d.)UIIC LTD., my Fathers respect /good will in his workplace had
the chairman congratulating me in 1985. 287.
Ae)My School Friends and news paper clippings speaking volumes on politics. 288
Af.) My School Band Girls where I played the Bass-Drum showing
how a full class can be influenced by number 3.Anjali Jaiswal,
Anuradha Thomas and me were in band uniform.,The rest did not comply inspite of being informed.My daughter dressed as a news-paper for fancy dress and Mr.Ajit Jogi’s suffering family celebrating the 29th faction..289
Ag)Ajit Jogi inaugurating DPS swimming pool with the principal Yadav
Reduced to his size. 290
Ah.)The vegetable market Goddess of the poor vegetable vendors of Durg.Chattisgarh. 291.
a.)Application for Legal Aid from the Supreme Court’s Legal Aid Committee
1.As a woman ,
2-Victim of caste strife ,
3.For observance of Fundamental Duties in filing a civil writ to be changed to a PIL.
2.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH-[POLICY DECISION-CHIEF MINISTER-Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy.] [with companions in decision making ANNEXURE-D ]
1.Whether the contents of the petition/appeal,application and
accompanying documents are clear,legible and typed in
double space on one side of the paper. Yes/No
2.Whether the particulars of the impugned order and the orders
passed by the court(s) below are uniformly written in all the
documents Yes /No
3.Whether the petition/appeal contains a statement in terms of
order XVI/XXI of the Supreme Court Rules as to whether the
petitioner has filed any petition against the impugned order/
judgement earlier,and if so,the result thereof stated in the petition Yes/No
4.Whether the addresses of the parties and their representation are
complete and set out properly Yes/No
5.Whether the cause title of the petition/appeal corresponds to
that of the impugned judgement and names of parties therein Yes /No
6. Whether detailed cause title has been mentioned in the
impugned judgement and if not,whether memo of parties has been
filed Yes/No
7.Whether the petition and the application bear the signatures of
the counsel/petitioner Yes/No
8.Whether the prescribed court fee has been paid Yes/No
9.Whether the Affidavit of the petition in support of the petition/
appeal and the applications has been filed Yes/No
10.Whether the Vakalatnama has been properly executed
by the petioners/appeallants and accepted by the advocate
and memo of appearance filed Yes/No
11.Whether the annexures referred to in the petition/list of
dates are true copies of the documents before the court below
and are filed in chronological order Yes/No
12.Whether the petition/appeal is confined only to the
pleadings in the court/tribunal below and Yes/No
13.If there are any vernacular documents/portions /lines,
whether application for exemption from filing Official Translation,
with affidavit and court fee has been filed Yes/No/NA
14.If the petition/appeal is time barred,whether application for
condonation of delay mentioning the no.of days of delay,with
affidavit and court fees has been filed Yes/No/NA
15.If a party in the court below has died,whether application for
bringing LRs on record indicating the date of death relationship ,age, addresses along with affidavit and court fees has been filed Yes/No/NA
16.In SLP/Appeal against the order passed in Second Appeal.
Whether copies of orders passed by the Trial Court and
First Appellate Court have been filed. Yes/No/NA
18.Whether paragraphs and pages of paper books have been numbered
consecutively and correctly noted in Index Yes/No
19.If any identical matter is pending in/disposed of by
Supreme Court,whether complete particulars of such matters have
Been given Yes/No/Na
Dated :-
Dates important to Ayodhya Movement and making Ayodhya the 29th State Of
Hindu partisan historians say that in the year 1527 the Muslim invader Babur came down from Ferghana in Central Asia and attacked the Hindu King of Chittodgad, Rana Sangrama Singh at Sikri and with the help of cannons and artillery (used in India for the first time) overcame Rana Sangrama Singh and his allies.
After this victory, Babar decided to spread terror among the subjugated Hindu population. His general, Mir Baqi was incharge of the region. Mir Baqi came to Ayodhya in 1528 and gave special attention to the main and biggest temple in the town. This was the temple which was built on the place where Samrat Shri Ramachandra, an ancient King of India was born. Samrat Shri Ramachandra was (and still is) revered by the devout among the Hindus as a god, also referred to as Rama, believed by Hindus to be an avatar of Vishnu.
Babar, whose general Mir Baqi allegedly destroyed this temple at Ayodhya, built by the Hindus to commemorate their king Samrat Ramchandra. Mir Baqi built a mosque at the site of the destroyed temple. This was called the Babri Masjid (Mosque), named after King Babar.
The claim of the destruction of this temple and the erection of a mosque in its place is also mentioned in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
[edit] 1767
Joseph Tieffenthaler records that Hindus are worshipping and celebrating Ramanavami at the site of the mosque.[1] The earliest suggestion that the Babri Masjid is in proximity to the birthplace of Ram was made by the Jesuit priest Joseph Tieffenthaler, whose work in French was published in Berlin in 1788. It says that "Emperor Aurangzeb got demolished the fortress called Ramkot, and erected on the same place a Mahometan temple with three cuppolas. Others believe that it was constructed by Babar. Subsequently Aurangzeb and some say Babar destroyed the place in order to prevent the heathens from practising their ceremonies. However, they have continued to practice their religious ceremonies in both the places knowing this to have been the birth place of Rama by going around it three times and prostrating on the ground.[2]
We see on the left a square platform 5 inches above ground, 5 inches long and 4 inches wide, constructed of mud and covered with lime. The Hindus call it bedi, that is to say, the birth-place. The reason is that here there was a house in which Beschan, (Bishan-Vishnu) took the form of Rama, and his three brothers are also said to have been born. Subsequently, Aurangzeb, or according to others, Babar razed this place down, in order not to give the Gentiles (Hindus) occasion to practice their superstition. However, they continued to follow their superstitious practices in both places, believing it to be the birthplace of Rama."Questions of history
This record reveals that Aurengzeb demolished the Ramkot fortress; that either he, or Babar constructed a Masjid there; the 12 columns of black stone pillars were brought from Lanka; and when veneration of Rama became prevalent after the 17th century, a small rectangular mud platform was built to mark the birthplace of Rama.(History and Geography of India, by Joseph Tieffenthaler, (published in French by Bernoulli in 1785))
[edit] 19th century
The Hindus of Ayodhya retained the tradition to worship Rama on the Ramkot hill, and always returned to the site. According to British sources, Hindus and Muslims used to worship together in the Babri Mosque complex in the 19th century until about 1855. P. Carnegy wrote in 1870: "It is said that up to that time [viz. the Hindu-Muslim clashes in the 1850s] the Hindus and Mohamedans alike used to worship in the mosquetemple. Since the British rule a railing has been put up to prevent dispute, within which, in the mosque the Mohamedans pray, while outside the fence the Hindus have raised a platform on which they make their offerings."[3]
[edit] 1854
Edward Thornton records that Hindus are worshipping Ramanavami at the site of the mosque. [4]
[edit] 1855
Hindu-Muslim clashes over the mosque-temple occurred. [5]
[edit] 1858
The Muazzin of the Babri mosque says in a petition to the British government, that the courtyard had been used by Hindus for hundreds of years.[6]
[edit] 1886
On 18th March 1886 the Faizabad District Judge passed an order in which he wrote: "I visited the land in dispute yesterday in the presence of all parties. I found that the Masjid built by Emperor Babar stands on the border of Ayodhya, that is to say, to the west and south. It is clear of habitants. It is most unfortunate that a Masjid should have been built on land specially held sacred by the Hindus, but as that event occurred 356 years ago, it is too late now to agree with the grievances." (Court verdict by Col. F.E.A. Chamier, District Judge, Faizabad (1886))
[edit] 20th century
The Hindus claim that the Babri Mosque was not used by Muslims since 1936, and that the Hindus took over the unused mosque in 1949. A court ruling on March 3, 1951 by the Civil Judge of Faizabad states: “it further appears from a number of affidavits of certain Muslim residents of Ayodhya that at least from 1936 onwards the Muslims have neither used the site as a mosque nor offered prayers there... Nothing has been pointed to discredit these affidavits.” Prof. B.P. Sinha stated: “As early as 1936-37, a bill was introduced in the legislative council of U.P. to transfer the site to the Hindus (... ) the bill was withdrawn on an unwritten understanding that no namaz [be] performed.” (in annexure 29 to the VHP evidence bundle). Of the 26 mosques in the region, only half of them were used for offering namaz in the early 1990s. It is also noted that there are about 40 different temples in Ayodhya where the worshippers believe that Lord Rama was born.
a team of the Archaeological Survey of India led by Prof. B.B. Lal dug out some trenches just outside the mosque and found rows of pillar-bases which must have supported a larger building predating the mosque. Moreover, in the mosque itself, small black pillars with Hindu sculptures had been incorporated, a traditional practice in mosques built in forcible replacement of infidel temples to flaunt the victory of Islam over Paganism.
Mr.Sheetla Singh of the Convenor of Ramjanambhoomi appealed to academicians and historians to come forward and resolve the Ayodhya Issue-Reference-Hindustan Times -29-4-1987,under the banner of INA
[edit] November 2, 1989
On November 2, 1989 the first stone for the planned new temple was laid.Rajiv Gandhi of INA was instrumental to the project
The events of November 2 1989 led to riots in Bangladesh and Pakistan, which left 50,000 Hindus homeless in Bangladesh. More than 200 Hindu temples were demolished in Bangladesh. [1] Many temples were demolished in Pakistan.
[edit] 1990
Lal Krishna Advani, a high-ranking member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) began a campaign tour (a rathayatra, or "chariot-journey") in 1990, to build support for a Rama temple at the mosque site.
[edit] November 2, 1990
During demonstrations by Kar-Sevaks, many Kar-Sevaks and other demonstrators were arrested and killed by the police. The official death toll is 45, although this is disputed. The BJP estimated that 168 were killed. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) alone cremated 76 bodies.
In connection with the Ayodhya debate, at least forty temples were demolished in November 1990. According to the Hindu-Buddha-Christian Oikya Parishad, the Bangladesh minorities' association, over fifty women were raped in a village in the Chittagong district and hundreds of temples were razed or burnt down[citation needed].
[edit] January 24, 1991
A government-sponsored discussion platform for the two parties (VHP and Babri Masjid Action Committee/BMAC) was organized for January, 24 1991. The BMAC then demanded that their historians would get special privileges and be recognized as independent scholars who could pass a verdict on the case (this demand wasn't granted). The BMAC team didn't show up on the day of the meeting and claimed that they weren't prepared for the discussion, although shortly before that day they signed a public statement that stated that (according to them) there would be absolutely no evidence for an ancient temple on the disputed site.
However , other accounts said that They met first on December 1, 1990, presented the 'evidence' of their sides to the Indian government on December 23, obtained copies of the 'evidence' of the other side from the government, and met again on January 10, 1991. In that meeting they decided to set up four committees of experts nominated by both parties to examine the historical and archaeological evidence and revenue and legal records collected as evidence. The VHP released the summary of 'evidence' to the public, turned down the demand of the other side for more time to study and evaluate the evidence, and made it known that they were not interested in an amicable solution.(28)VHP's actions were taken by the Muslim parties to mean aggressive postures and unnecessary public arousal made to shore up vocal support from the hindu masses.
[edit] 1992
On December 6 1992, over a million [citation needed] Hindutva activists brought in by the Hindu nationalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP, "World Hindu Council") and BJP, razed the three domes of this 16th century Muslim mosque, sparking nationwide riots between Hindus and Muslims that killed more than 2,000 people in one of the worst spates of sectarian violence in contemporary Indian history.
The demolition of the Babri Masjid set off a round of riots, especially in Bombay, that lasted two months (December 1992 & January 1993), and where the actual toll of lives is far less than the official one (See also Justice Sreekrishna Commission of Inquiry). However, most enquiry reports in India fail to satisfy all the parties.In retaliation, Muslim mafia, principally the D-Gang operated by Dawood Ibrahim Khaskar, the Konkanni Muslim and acolyte of former Mafia don Haji Mastan, staged a simultaneous, multiple bomb attacks in Bombay using RDX and whose toll is also not finally set. See 1993 Mumbai bombings.
[edit] December 6, 1992: the destruction of the Babri Masjid
The mosque was destroyed on December 6, 1992, by a crowd of 75,000 people [2](karsevaks) of the VHP and other associated groups. However, some estimates put the number at 200,000 (Growth & Change, Spring 2000). The destruction occurred at the end of Advani's rathayatra, and there is some evidence that it was pre-planned by nationalist groups.
The rule of the Centre was imposed in UP at 6 p.m. on 6 December, although according to the BBC rioting did not begin in earnest until about 4 a.m. the following morning. However according to the BBC the violence and destruction continued for nearly 12 hours, with mobs several hundred strong roaming the streets of the town. According to some reports, the mobs also targeted other mosques with the result that almost all the masjids and idgahs of Ayodhya were damaged or destroyed. Only two mosques survived the violence. In the aftermath of the riots, members of both Hindu and Muslim communities hold 'outsiders' responsible for the events in Ayodhya, and insisted that they would survive recurring waves of violence together.
Following the destruction of the mosque, communal riots broke out between Hindus and Muslims across India, including in Mumbai (Bombay), which was a largely secular and cosmopolitan city.
In 1994 The President of India sent an official inquiry to the Supreme Court to decide whether a temple existed below the mosque, which the High Court returned saying it was not competent to decide on matters of historical evidence, only matters of law and fact. It added that the question whether a temple existed beneath the mosque was " and superfluous" in the context of the legal dispute.
The Ayodhya debate also had effects on neighbouring countries. In 1992, in the aftermath of the Babri Mosque demolition there were incidents of loot, arson, rape and temple destructions committed against the Hindu community in Bangladesh. [7]
[edit] 1993
The 1993 Mumbai bombings, which were connected to the Ayodhya debate, occurred. The official number of dead was 257 dead with 1,400 others injured (some news sources say 317 people died; this is due to a bomb which killed 60 in Calcutta on March 17). Several days later, unexploded car bombs were discovered at a railway station. Islamic terrorist groups based in Pakistan were suspected to be responsible for these bombings, and evidence uncovered pointed to the involvement of Dawood Ibrahim, leader of the muslim mafia of Mumbai.
[edit] 2002
Since then, the AIBMAC and other Muslim groups have been campaigning to have the mosque rebuilt at the same site, while the VHP has been moving forward with plans to build a Rama temple there. In December 2002 the VHP announced that it would construct the temple in a year and a half (i.e., mid 2004). Prime Minister Vajpayee said in February 2003 during election campaigning in Himachal Pradesh that he firmly believed that the Babri Mosque existed on the site of a temple. The main opposition Congress Party took a cautious stance fearing it might alienate the Hindu vote by taking a position different from the Hindu hardliners'. Kapil Sibal, Congress Party spokesman, said the court order was part of judicial process for the final adjudication of the dispute.
March –April-2002-
See Web -article in Annexure B for statements from all the Hindu activists involved in Ayodhya Issue.
The Ayodhya face-off has ended in a whimper with a “shila daan” on March 15. But one man who kept the entire nation on tenterhooks with his political histrionics was Mahant Ramchander Das Paramhans, Chief of the Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas (RJN). Seeing the kind of commitment being shown by the self-claimed 92-year-old Sadhu, many would easily take him to be an original inhabitant of Ayodhya. See WebArticle from “The Tribune” on the event in Annexure-B.Also see another timeline traced through suits filed at the various courts of
-March-August-Excavation at the disputed site of Rama Janmabhumi - Babri Masjid was carried out by the Archaeological Survey of India from 12 March 2003 to 7 August 2003. During this period, as per the directions of the Hon'ble High Court,
August -1-2003
Atal ji .the then PM pledged allegiance to the Ayodhya issue .
“THE Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, would not quite have expected his remarks at the funeral of Ramachandradas Paramhans at Gau Ghat in Ayodhya on August 1 that he was confident that the last wish of the Sri Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas Chairman would be fulfilled would come home to roost the day Parliament resumed its business, on Monday.”See Annexure-B for article in The Hindu Business Line dated-Tuesday-Aug-5 2003. “Did PM cross the Lakshman Rekha”.Here it would not be out of place to say that all the terrorism which was being unleashed on me and my family ;the news of my project was known to all political parties in Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh,as I had stuck posters of the same on Beauty Parlour and house walls.Only the CBI can unearth the whole exercise.
[edit] 2005
On July 5, 2005 five terrorists attacked the disputed Ram Janmabhumi site. Security forces killed all five terrorists while a pilgrim guide Ramesh Pandey, was killed in the blast triggered by the terrorists to breach the cordon wall. The attack, suspected to be the work of Lashkar-e-Toiba, a designated organization fighting for Kashmir's secession from India, as well as the total islamization of the country, and the expulsion of the minority of Indian Jews, has once again put the town in the spotlight. [3] See 2005 attack on Ayodhya.
1977-to date
–I was continuously involved with the Ram Janambhoomi movement and joined ABVP in college in 1981,although Rajiv Gandhi’s political/religious orientation was also appreciated by me.Due to my deep involvement I was Cultural Secretary of my College-Mohanlal Hargovindas College of Arts/Homescience-Jabalpur.M.P.Since many years both myself and my family were victims of caste terror unleashed by religion descecrators and my life has been one of struggle and strife.Recently on 16th November 1994,my father was put to death in the most natural form ,due to unethical medical help,the date very much related to my date deadline for construction of Ayodhya.The compalints about the same I have sent continuously to the press of India.Both my brothers –Learned engineers have suffered immensely,due to the terror unleashed by the muslim underworld on them.All the records I will submit if the court seeks an injunction on the same.I have submitted complaints to local police stations and also sent a letter to Police Commissioner –Shri-K.K.Paul on 17-2-2006,seeking protection.Please see Annexure-A(s)
Synopsis on Introduction of Forensic Psychology to the Law and Judiciary of India was submitted at the Delhi University,which was explained orally ,graphically and through press articles to the deemed University.It involved judicial sensitization and religious intervention at Ayodhya for Babri Masjid Demolition through Clause 45 of the Indian Evidence Act of 1872.-“Opinion of Experts.”But having a religious orientation to it ; the project was stalled by the Delhi University at the Psychology level,although it was excepted by the Law Department.A suit has been filed by me against the Delhi University at the Delhi Legal Services Authority.All Important letters enclosed in Annexure-B,for perusal by the Learned court.A directive was issued to me by them on 14-11-2006 ,transferring the case to High Court.
An application was submitted at the Supreme Court legal Services Committee office to give free legal aid to rename :-
1.Ahmad nagar as Sai Baba Nagar in Maharashtra
2.Hyderabad and Secundrabad as one Isfahan-e-Nau in Andhra Pradesh.
3.Arabian Sea as Sindhu Sagar.
–A PIL in the shape of detailed documents on the above issue,addressed to the Chief Justice of India-Supreme Court, for renaming was filed by me at the Receipt and Issue department no-4 on groundfloor of Supreme court
This is in direct relation to my project of 29th State Ayodhya submitted at the Delhi University to bring forth
a.The importance of the name Ayodhya
b.To lessen the impact of international strife with religious minorities in India.
c.But Hindus are an international minority.As such Sindhu Sagar issue is being raised to include a political angle by international arbitration through International Court at the Hague.If you see the progression of the Ayodhya Issue the honorable court will see both religious symbolism,strife and repercussions to every Hindu activism internationally.The PIL is for change of names at the Supreme Court ;but the entire AYODHYA ISSUE
AS THE MATTER RESTS WITH THE DELHI HIGH COURT MATTERS herein STAND sub-judice.However as the matters are one and the same I have traced the entire endeavor from 1528 till date,for Supreme Courts intervention as and when necessary,for both the issues.It would be highly risky for the country to introduce Forensic Psychology without the religious orientation of Ayodhya .Due to the inordinate delay caused by the Psychology department to introduce the project I stand to suffer immensely as well as the religion of Hinduism,and fiscal deficit of the country included in the project of religious tourism .Already as on date I have a letter from the Forensic Science Laborartory Gandhinagar,Gujrat State that there is a proposal to introduce Forensic Psychology at NIMHANS in Bangalore ,which does not have a law faculty in its jurisdiction.Letter in Annexure A.It is most unjust as the endeavor for same was started by me in Chattisgarh by oral spread of word in my social circle and in my Beauty Parlour .Refer to Scan in Annexure –C. A lot of terrorism was unleashed on me in Chattisgarh as well on my maternal family in
Madhyapradesh-Indore/Jabalpur.The administrative machinery was misused and I filed continuous appeals at the Police station.However support was provided by the Ajit Jogi Government by not letting my work in the Beauty Parlour suffer ,nor I was restrained in spreading my messages ,both orally or to the Press,as well as Chattisgarh Government.It is strange as I sent many proposals of economic welfare to Chattisgarh government via e-mail but none were implemented inspite of being very easy.However when I was transferred to Delhi as my husband who is serving in State bank of India was transferred;Acharya Giriraj Kishore-VHP SENIOR PRESIDENT accompanied me on the plane to Delhi in May 2003,though in personal capacity.
As the learned Courts may take their own time to process the PIL filed on 10-11-2006 ,I am further filing this Civil Writ Petition in Person to explain and expedite matters,especially in the context of AYODHYA as well as personal grievances/protection order..Hence this writ petition
Dates Important to naming Ahmednagar to Sai Baba Nagar as relevant the Great Saint Sai Baba.
Sri Sai Baba first came to Shirdi in about 1852 A.D.
Sai Baba of Shirdi
Sai Baba of Shirdi was a crown jewel among Saints.It is said that God Shiva appeared on this earth first of all in the form a blue idol ,in Yoga Mudra.Shiva is the destroyer ,who rubs the cremation ashes on his body.All his bhakts gain from his worship.All those who devote their lives totally to God Shiva become one with him and so was His Fervent Devotee Shirdi Wale Sai Baba.His life was exemplary and as simple as his “ESHTA DEVA-Shiva ,and his soul lay again in ashes which he distributed freely to all his Bhakts ,irrespective of Caste or Creed.
Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra state is of extreme importance to the life of Shirdi Sai Baba.It is here that he arrived as a young boy in the tender age of 16. He took up residence in a Khandoba temple, where a villager (Mahalsapathi) at worship first called him Sai ("saint"). He spent his time under a neem tree seated in an Asan (meditative posture). , in Shirdi
Who could have thought that this simple boy who later took refuge in a dilapidated mosque. named later on as Dwarakamai[Shri Saibaba spent over 60 years at this place, in Shirdi. After coming to Shirdi, He resided at this place. Earlier it was a Masjid (Mosque), but Baba renamed it and gave a name "Dwarkamai". Devotees from all religions (Hindus, Muslims etc.) used to come here to receive blessings from Shri Shirdi Saibaba. ],would one day be worshipped by one and all.He fostered an extremely simple and ascetic life: living in the village as a mendicant monk, and sleeping on the floor in the temple, and later in the dilapidated mosque. Even then he seemed to be full of the knowledge of Brahman. He had no desire for worldly objects, even in dream. He kicked out Maya (illusion) and Mukti (illumination) was serving at his feet. This young lad, fair, smart, and very handsome, was first seen under a Neem tree seated in an Asan (meditative posture). The people of the village were wonderstruck to see such a young lad practicing hard penance, not minding heat and cold. By day he associated with none. by night he was afraid of nobody. People were wondering whence that young chap turned up. His form and features were so handsome that a mere look endeared him to all. He went to nobody's door, always sat near the Neem tree. Outwardly he looked very young; but by his action He was really a great soul. He was the embodiment of dispassion and an enigma to all.
A saint name Gangagir who frequented Shirdi said of him on first setting eyes on him "Blessed is Shirdi, that it got this precious jewel". Another saint by name Anandanath said "This is a precious diamond in reality, though he looks like an ordinary man. You will realize this in the near future."
Peace or calm was his ornament and he was the repository of wisdom. He had no love for perishable things and was always engrossed in self-realization. He did not know or care for honor or dishonor. The name of Allah was always on his lips. His inside was as calm as the deep sea. Though he sat in one place, he knew all the transactions of the world. Though a Siddha (realized being), he acted like a sadhaka (disciple on the spiritual path). He was meek, humble, and pleased all.
Like God Shiva this ascetic spent his life in providing succour to all the ailing and needy,himself leading the life of a fakir,begging for alms and praying.This simple soul lit the soul within him and the illumination of his life lit up the lives of his followers ,who later on became his devotees.The miracles he performed were only termed as blessings of God and He attributed all his greatness to the all pervading power of the almighty.
He gave medicine to the poor, nursed the sick and gave them 'udi'(Holy Ash) which proved to be more than medicine in miraculously curing from all diseases. His divine powers were first exhibited when he lighted lamps in which water was put in instead of oil. The saint used to collect alms in the village and put them in an earthen vessel and consumed as when required. His healing powers and selfless service to the poor attracted several devotees, who rushed to Shirdi and Shirdi became a place of pilgrimage. Morning and evening prayers(Arti) were started with great zeal. One of his well known epigrams says of God: "Allah Malik" ("GOD is the Owner of us All.")
Shri Sai Baba is the essence and embodiment of spiritual enlightenment and religious harmony. He awakened people to the eternal truth. "Sabka Malik Ek" (One God governs all). He wanted to provide each one with two powerful implements to make them stronger and wiser - 'One' being 'Shraddha' (Faith) and other being 'Saburi' (Patience). Shirdi town is situated in Rahata Tahasil, in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra State (
The villagers of Shirdi each claimed him as a member of their own religion, Muslim or Hindu, but really he came to make peace between them and he always encouraged each to stick to his own religious path. He drew devotees from all over the country though he never traveled and never cared for fame. Over and over his devotees found he knew their innermost thoughts and details of their lives. He effected cures, conferred health, happiness, and prosperity, and made childless couples conceive. His real purpose though was to awaken in them a longing for the spiritual life. He himself said only that he was the humble servant of God and pleased and furthered all who came in
contact with him. Many books have been written about Shirdi Sai Baba but the Shri Sai Satcharita, the story of Sai Baba's life and actions (quoted from below) was written in his own lifetime and is best known among Sai devotees.
He laid down his mortal body on Dasara (
Samadhi was constructed over the body.
Sacred Ash (Udi) of Sai Baba
One of Baba's special features was that he always kept a sacred fire (Dhuni) burning. The ash from this fire was called Udi and it was freely distributed to he devotees at the time of their departure from Shirdi. What did Baba teach or hint by this Udi? Baba taught by His Udi that all the visible phenomena in the universe are as transient as the ash. Our bodies composed of wood or matter of the five elements, will fall down, after all their enjoyments are over, and be reduced to ashes. In order to remind the devotees of the fact that their bodies will be reduced to ashes, Baba distributed Udi to them. Baba also taught by the Udi that the Brahman is the only Reality and the universe is ephemeral and thatno one in this world, be he a son,father or wife, is really ours. We come here (in this world) alone and we haveto go out alone. It was found out and is even now found out, thatthe Udi cured many physical and mental maladies, but Babawanted to din into the devotee's ears the principles of discrimination between the Unreal and the Real.
Grace & Divine powers:
It is the belief of the devotee that the spirit of Sri Sai Baba still lives, comes out to give darshan at odd hours to the real devotees in time of their difficulties and gives them guidance.The real devotees of Sri Sai Baba come to Shirdi with such intense devotion that they feel as if dragged out of their homes forHis darshan and they return with their hearts full of peace. Many devotees have been favored by Sri Sai Baba's grace. Some have been cured of their diseases,some could get sons, some were enriched, some were
married as per their choice and some could find solace. Some ailing patients, who could not be cured by any medicine in the hospitals and who had lost hopes of cure, were cured merely by applying or eating 'Udi'(Sacred Ash) of Sri Sai Baba. The devotees of Sai Baba come from all countries of the world.
The devotees of Sri Sai Baba are from all castes, creeds, religions and all classes rich & poor. There is no discrimination. Any person of any community is allowed to perform, Pooja, Abhisekh ans Satyanarayana puja.”
There shall be no want in the house of my devotees” ,was his favorite quote.
Thursday is the day Saibaba is specially worshipped. On this day devotees from all over The For more on Puja timings. For devotees across the globe, there are arrangements to get Pujas conducted on their behalf and the prasad sent to them.Shirdi is well connected by road. There are also a few religious places of tourist interest in and around Shirdi. Management Shri Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi was established in the year 1922 in the noble service of Shri Sai Baba. From the year 1922 to August of 1989 the establishment staff provided various facilities for the devotees. On Sai Baba used to cure many diseases. Shri Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi built a 'Shri Sainath' Hospital to continue to provide medical service to patients. The Hospital is well equipped. It has a 'Manojkumar Intensive Care Unit', 'Smt. Janaki Devi Suri Sonography Centre', 'Raju Batra X-ray Machine', . The Hospital provides many services such as eye diagnosis, cataract operation, family planning, cancer research, homoeopathy treatment . The plans for the future are:- expansion of the Hospital, establishment of a medical research centre, and an addition of a nursing and medical college. The Sansthan runs a 'Prasadalaya' to provide lunch and dinner to the devotees. Nearly 1000 devotees can partake ofBaba's prasad at the same time. The kitchen of the Prasadalaya is equipped with modern cooking amenities. Food-packets are available to the devotees from The Sansthan is publishes various photographs and books on Shri Sai Baba in many languages. The trust has started English medium schools three years ago. Scholarships are given to the poor and clever students every year by the Sansthan. The Chairperson and the members of the trust are taking keen interest to provide facilities to the villagers and devotees. Shri Sai Baba Sansthan has been providing tremendous and continuous service towards noble causes. | |||
How to get to Shirdi: Nearest airports are Mumbai (260 km), Pune (185 km), and Bus Stand. The cost is about Rs.-150 to Rs.-175 (make sure they turn the meter on). There are also people who will try to redirect you to their own "private" taxis. These "private" taxis charge between Rs. 400 to Rs. 600 to take you to the Dadar Bus Stand. At the Dadar Bus Stand, there are long lines of small ticket counters that sell bus tickets to Shirdi. Preferably, try to get an A/C direct bus (Rs.-300). If you are not able to get an A/C direct bus, get a non-A/C direct bus (Rs.-150). Buses leave almost every 3 hours from Mumbai to Shirdi. So your wait will not be long. The buses make about 2 stops for food. The Restaurants.Are non-vegetarian. So make sure you pack some snacks and bottled water for the trip. Keep an eye on your luggage! Try to get a bus that departs before Things to know: A majority of the people do not speak English inside or outside of the Most of the people who speak English are the ones who run the larger hotels. Purchase anti-diarrheal medications before you leave to Shirdi. The Just remember where you put your sandals, because when you come out of from the Darshan area, you are on the opposite side of the Inside The Winters are the best season to visit Shirdi. The months from September to April being the ideal period. The daytime temperature is pleasant during this period, making the days excellent for visiting the tourist attractions of the town. The summers can get very hot (May-August). Make sure you drink bottled water. Places To Visit In Shirdi: Sai Baba's place Shirdi ( Khandoba Mandir: This place is near Gurusthan Mandir: This is the place where Baba first appeared to the world as a boy of 16 years &this place is supposed to be Baba's Gurusthan. the famous Margosa (Neem) tree is here. it has a reference in Shri Sai Sat-charita. Devotees claim that their ailments are cured by burning incense here on Thursday & Friday. Sai Baba's Samadhi Mandir: This is the place where Sacred Body of Baba is resting in Samadhi. The articles handled by Baba are preserved & displayed here in a special showroom. All rituals consisting ofPooja. Abhishek & daily four Aratis are performed here. The Samadhi Mandir of Shri Sai Baba wasactually owned by a millionaire from legends, Sai Baba manifested himself as Murlidhar and the temple became the Samadhi Mandir of Baba.The Samadhi of Baba is built with white marble stones. The railings around it are full of ornamentaldecorations. The idol of Baba is a marvelous statue made up of Italian marble built by Late Balaji Vasant in 1954. The temple has an assembly hall for about 600 devotees. The first floor of the temple has the pictures depicting the life of the saint. The temple opens on Dwarkamai (Masjid): Baba stayed at this place continuously for 60 years. Innumerable devotees got blessing of Baba here. The Shila (Stone) on which Baba used to sit is located nearby. Also Sacred Fire (Dhuni)lit by Baba is ever burning here. Baba used to give Sacred Udi (Ash) to the devotees to solve their problems in life. Udi distributed to the devotees now is only from this Dhuni. Baba used to cook food here for distribution to devotees. Main attraction of the site is the oil paintings of the sage. Chawdi Mandir: On every alternate day Baba used to proceed in procession from Dwarkamai to this place at night & halt & sleep here. Now also on every Thursday Palanquin procession of Baba's Photo. Holy Padukas & Satka is taken to this place between Lendi Baug: At some distance from Gurusthan, there is the Lendi Baug. This garden was made and watered daily by Baba himself. It got its name from a nullah (a drain), which used to flow there. Baba used to come here every morning and afternoon and take rest under a neem tree. Baba dug a pit, 2 feet deep, under the neem tree and kept a deep (a lighting object) lit in that pit. An octagonal deepgriha (lighthouse) called Nanda Deep has been built in marble stone in memory of this place. It constantly burns in a glass box. On one side of the deepgriha is a pipal tree and on the other side is a neem tree. Other Places: The Samadhis of Shri Tatya Patil Kote, Shri Bhau Maharaj Kumbhar, Shri V.Padmanabha Iyer, Shri Nanawali & Shri Abdul Baba who were ardent Bhaktas closely associated with Shri Sai Baba during His life time are located in Sansthan premises near lendhi Baug. Lendi Baug: This is the place where Shri Sai Baba used to go for stroll. Nandapeep is kept constantlyburning near the Pimple tree planted by Shri Sai Baba Himself. There is also Datta Mandir in this garden & Shri Sai Baba's deloyed Horse 'Shamkarna'(Shamsunder) is taking Eternal Rest here. There is also a well here called as 'Baba's Shivdi'.In addition 3 other Fairs And Festivals: The most important festivals and events that are celebrated in Shirdi are Guru Poornima, Dussehra, and Ram Navami. These are the only days when the Samadhi Mandir of Shirdi opens for the whole night. Every Thursday, a palakhi bearing a photograph of the sage is taken out from the temple. Nearby Sites: Situated around 5 km from Shirdi is Sakori. The place is home to the Upasini Maharaj. Shanisinghnapur is 70 km from Shirdi. A temple devoted to Shani is located there. Have you ever heard of a village having door-less houses? There is this village, 360 kms from Mumbai that feels proud to announce itself as a doorless village. Tryambakeshwar, a religious centre of all-India fame is significant in two ways. It is the abode and one of the twelve most select abodes at that, of Shiva. Secondly, it is the source of the watercourses of | | | |
Quotes From Sai Baba
"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me.I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world. I am the Controller - the wire-puller of the show of this Universe. I am the mother –
origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver
and Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible, movableand immovable world, is My Body or Form..." ~Sai Baba
"If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion.
And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides.
Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic tofree any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious of worldly objects andsensations, who utter My name, who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life and who thus always remember Me? I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of Death. If My stories are listenedto,all the diseases will be got rid of. So, hear My stories with respect; and think and meditate on them, assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment. The prideand egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers will be set at rest; and if it has wholehearted and complete faith, it will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of
My name as 'Sai, Sai' will do away with sins of speech and hearing..." ~Sai Baba
"Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings will come to an end. The wretched and miserable
will riseinto plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb the steps of my Mosque. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body. My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees. I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb. I am Ever living to help and guide all, who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me. If you look at me I look at you.
If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. There shall be no want in the house of my devotees...."
~Sai Baba
List of Dates as relevant to Change of Name of Hyderabad and Secundrabad to one Isfahan-e-Nau in Andhra Pradesh.
16th century
Isfahan-e-Nau. Hyderabad was founded by the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda. It was built by Persian architects and was known as Isfahan-e-Nau, The New Isfahan due to its beauty and architectural style. The basic architectural design of the city was based upon the Quranic model of Paradise It was not a name but an orientation since the rule of. Sultan Quli Qutub Mulk The Qutb Shahi dynasty (whose members were also called the Qutub Shahis) was the ruling family of the kingdom of Golconda in southern India. They were Shia Muslims and belonged to a Turkmen tribe from the Turkmenistan-Armenia region.
The dynasty's founder, Sultan Quli Qutub Mulk, migrated to Delhi with some of his relatives and friends in the beginning of the 16th century. Later he migrated south to Deccan and served Bahmani sultan Mohammad Shah. He conquered Golconda and became the Governor of Telangana region in 1518, after the disintegration of the Bahmani Kingdom into the five Deccan sultanates. Soon after, he declared independence from the Bahmani Sultanate, took title "Qutub Shah," and established Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda.
This dynasty was the first Muslim dynasty to rule Telugus. This effectively divided the Telugu nation into two countries, one Muslim ruled country (Telanagana State) and the other a Hindu ruled country. The dynasty ruled Golconda for 171 years, until the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's armies conquered the Deccan in 1687. Even then, Telangana State continued to be ruled by Muslims until the Hyderabad State joined the Indian Union in 1948 with the military intervention of New Delhi.
The Qutub Shahi rulers were great builders and patrons of learning. They not only patronized the Persian culture but also the regional culture of the Deccan, symbolized by the Telugu language and the newly developed Deccani idiom of Urdu. The main part of Golconda State was Telangana. Although Telugu was not their mother tongue, the Golconda rulers learned Telugu. Golconda and later Hyderabad served as capitals of the sultanate, and both cities were embellished by the Qutb Shahi sultans
List of Dates associated with change of name of Arabian Sea to Sindhu Sagar
3300–1700 BCE
The Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300–1300 BC, flowered 2600–1900 BC) was an ancient civilization thriving along the Indus River and the Ghaggar-Hakra River in what is now Pakistan and north-western India. Among other names for this civilization is the Harappan Civilization, in reference to its first excavated city of Harappa.
The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was discovered in the 1920s and is known only from archaeological excavations, except, possibly, for Sumerian references to Meluhha, which has been proposed to correspond to the IVC.
An alternative term for the culture is Saraswati-Sindhu Civilization, based on the popular identification of the Ghaggar-Hakra River with the Sarasvati River.[1]
The IVC is a candidate for the locus of Proto-Dravidian. Various sculptures, seals, pottery, gold jewelry and anatomically detailed figurines in terracotta, bronze and steatite have been found at the excavation sites.A number of bronze, terracotta and stone figurines of girls in dancing poses reveal the presence of some dance form. Sir John Marshall is known to have reacted with surprise when he saw the famous Indus bronze statuette of a slender-limbed "dancing girl" in Mohenjo-daro:
"… When I first saw them I found it difficult to believe that they were prehistoric; they seemed to completely upset all established ideas about early art. Modeling such as this was unknown in the ancient world up to the Hellenistic age of Greece, and I thought, therefore, that some mistake must surely have been made; that these figures had found their way into levels some 3000 years older than those to which they properly belonged. … Now, in these statuettes, it is just this anatomical truth which is so startling; that makes us wonder whether, in this all-important matter, Greek artistry could possibly have been anticipated by the sculptors of a far-off age on the banks of the Indus."
A harp-like instrument depicted on an Indus seal and two shell objects found at Lothal indicate the use of stringed musical instruments.
Seals have been found at Mohenjo-daro depicting a figure standing on its head, and one sitting cross-legged; perhaps the earliest indication, at least illustration, of the practice of yoga. A horned figure in an advanced yogic pose (see image, Pashupati, below right) has been interpreted as one of the earliest depictions of the Lord Shiva.
The Hindu Kush, Hindū Kūsh, Hindoo Koosh or Hindukush (Persian: هندوکش, Hindi:) is a mountain range in Afghanistan as well as in NWFP and Northern Areas of Pakistan. It is the westernmost extension of the Pamir Mountains, the Karakoram Range, and the Himalaya.It is in its locales that the Indus valley Civilization flourished.
The Indus Valley Civilization extended from Balochistan to Gujarat, with an upward reach to Punjab from east of the river Jhelum to Rupar on the upper Sutlej. Coastal settlements extended from Sutkagan Dor in Western Baluchistan to Lothal in Gujarat. Besides the western states of India, the Indus Valley Civilization encompassed most of Pakistan. An Indus Valley site has been found on the Oxus river at Shortughai in northern Afghanistan [6], at Sutkagen dor (Western Baluchistan, Pakistan),[7] at Mandu on the Beas River near Jammu[8], and at Alamgirpur on the Hindon River, only 28 km from Delhi [9]. Indus Valley sites have been found most often on rivers, but also on lakes, the ancient sea-coast and on islands.[10]
There is some disputed evidence of another large river, now dried up, running parallel to the Indus River to the east. Dry river beds overlap with the Hakra channel in Pakistan and the seasonal Ghaggar River in India. Over 500 ancient sites belonging to the Indus Valley Civilization have been discovered along the Ghaggar-Hakra River and its tributaries (S.P. Gupta 1995: 183). By contrast, only about 100 of the known Indus Valley sites have been discovered on the Indus and its tributaries. [11] Certain scholars propose that this was a major river during the third and fourth millennia BCE, and suggest that it may have been the Sarasvati River of the Rigveda. Some advocate designating the Indus Valley culture the "Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization," Sindhu being the ancient name of the Indus River. Most archeologists dispute this view, arguing that the old river disappeared during the Mesolithic age at the latest, [citation needed] and was only a seasonal stream during the Vedic period when the text was collected.
The name Sindhu Sagar Originated in this period.
1500–500 BCE
The time period in the history of India known as the Vedic period or Vedic age is the period of the composition of the sacred texts called Vedas and other such texts in Vedic Sanskrit. The associated culture is sometimes referred to as Vedic civilization was centered on the Punjab (modern Pakistan) and the Gangetic plain (modern India). Mainstream scholarship places the Vedic period into the 2nd and 1st millennia BCE, continuing up to the 6th century BCE when it began to be transformed into classical forms of Hinduism. Early medieval Hindu authors[1] suggest dates as early as the 4th millennium BCE.
Its early phase saw the formation of various kingdoms of ancient India. In its late phase (from ca. 700 BCE), it saw the rise of the Mahajanapadas, and was succeeded by the golden age of Hinduism and classical Sanskrit literature, the Maurya Empire (from ca. 320 BCE) and the Middle kingdoms of India.
It is evident that the name SINDHU SAGAR is of extreme importance to Hindus ,which traces their cultural lineage ,lineage word itself derived from Linga-A symbol of Shiva.
Please see Annexure –C for pictures,in which you will find my picture too taken on my marriage –At-Home day-18-11-1985 .in which I am wearing a necklace crafted in similar fashion as the head gear of Lord Pashupati.There are also many evidences that the Hindu religion originated since time immemorial and Lord Shiva was the first to appear on this earth inside a blue idol.
The five mantras that constitute Shiva's body are Sadyojaata, Vaamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha and Eesaana. Sadyojaata is Shiva realized in his basic reality (as in the element earth, in the sense of smell, in the power of procreation and in the mind). "Eesaana" is Shiva invisible to the human eye. The Vishnudharmottara Purana of the 6th century BC assigns a face and an element to each of the above mantras (Sadyojaata - earth, Vaamadeva - water, Aghora - fire, Tatpurusha - air and Eesaana - space).
The names of the deified faces with their elements are Mahadeva (earth), Uma (water), Bhairava (fire), Nandi (air) and Sadasiva (space).
WRIT PETITION ( CIVIL ) No. of 2006.
1513,Outram Lane ,Mukherjee Nagar,Delhi-9
Address-Varsha-Telephone-(022)-2202-5151,5222:e-mail-chiefminister@maharashtra.gov.in [with companions in decision making –ANNEXURE-D]
2.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH-[POLICY DECISION-CHIEF MINISTER- Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy.] 'C' Block, 4th Floor, AP Secretariat,
Office: 23456698,23451805,23455205 ,e-mail: cmap@ap.gov.in
[with companions in decision making ANNEXURE-D ]
[with companions in decision making ANNEXURE-D ]
I.Change the names of the aforesaid :-
1.Ahmad nagar as Sai Baba Nagar in Maharashtra
2.Hyderabad and Secundrabad as one Isfahan-e-Nau in Andhara Pradesh.
3.Arabian Sea as Sindhu Sagar.
Here personal grievances/protection order too can be dealt with by issuing directives to the Home Ministry. Direct the Home ministry to issue protection orders/security
II.Also as the need arises to pass an injunction for protection orders to the Police of NCT –Delhi , as applicable to other places of visit too,for protection from terrorist attacks both at home and outside,as I have really suffered heavily from violence and breakage caused at home.Refer to scans taken during the course of my work and all that I had to suffer in Annexure-C.
III.That the case of making AYODHYA THE 29TH STATE OF INDIA to be taken up along with introducing judicial intervention procedure called FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY to the Law and Judiciary of India ,if it remains unsettled at the High Court of Delhi.E-Mails sent to relevant authority at all rungs of the Law and Judiciary of India as well as the responsible Authority at the Delhi University.Refer to Annexure A.Also refer to the Scans to see that I was propagating the same in Durg –Chattisgarh too.Annexure –C and was victimized by agents of the Muslim underworld.All necessary documents of reports to various authority at both Durg in Chattisgarh as well as Delhi would be submitted by me on an order from the court..Also I have sent e-mails continuously to the Press of India and responsible citizens in Governmental/Public Sector Undertakings/Private enterprise ;since 2000 A.D.,voicing patriotic concerns ,as in reply to the various international /national happenings and government policies ,and generated the wrath of anti –national/antisocial elements..
That the Petitioner is the citizen of
That the 29th State of
a)Change of the names of the places mentioned aforesaid to bring forth the importance of Names to settle disputes amicably as well as bring about economic prosperity to a place by making it a spot of RELIGIOUS TOURISM.
b)Introduction of Forensic Psychology to the Law and Judiciary of India.[Synopsis in Annexure B] and protecting my Intellectual Property Rights.
c)Seeking protection order/security from the court in view of terrorist attacks,seeing the nature of my work and all that has happened to my family till date.
2.That URANIUM CITY in CANADA was the epicenter of Canada’s biggest ever Uranium boom and named after Uranium , lies today in a radioactive mess, totally struck off the map.Refer to Annexure –A for detailed e-mail on the same.
3.That Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh was named after Jabbal Rishi ,and means rock ,as well as the importance of MARBLE ROCKS mountains which has the beautiful pure river Narmada meandering through them,all justified by names.
4.That the Supreme Court has the power to –“Review its own decisions”.Refer to e-mail in Annexure –A,as well as news article in HT-by Satya Prakash –on 15-11-2006-“SC need not always be right,says chief justice.”
5. Justification for filing a PIL to change the name of Ahmadnagar to Sai Baba Nagar
Arguments in favor of Sai Baba Nagar:-
Social orientation
a.)The name SAI BABA NAGAR directly affects the prosperity of the place called AHMADNAGAR within the district of AHMEDNAGAR.Sai Baba was a saint of the masses ,and it is heresy that a place which houses his place of resting[Samadhi],his holy temple ,and the place which was his Karmabhoomi should lie in utter poverty and degradation. This goes against the basics of Sai faith.However it is well known that changing the name of a place itself brings prosperity to the place ,if the change of name is linked with its rich heritage ,cultural ethos and place of pilgrimage and tourist interest.
Please refer to newspaper articles enclosed:-
a.Page 30-Times International-Friday November 3-2006.-“Doing a Bengalooru in US ,just for the sake of cash.-City name Game Common in World”
b.)Ahmadnagar. to be named Sai Baba Nagar ,because it is severely drought prone.When we can get rainfall in Barmar of Rajasthan,we can also pray for Ahmadnagar by changing its name.However leaving aside the religious viewpoint,hardly anyone associates Shirdi-a place of worship of national significance with Ahmednagar.The entire prosperity of the region can be changed ,if directly linked with Shirdi as well as its earnings.Follows a short account of Ahmednagar as it exists today.
Ahmednagar is sometimes misspelled as Ahmadnagar. Ahmednagar in Marathi/Devanagari) is a drought-prone city in Ahmednagar District in the state of Maharashtra, India, on the left bank of the Sina River, about 120 km northeast of Pune. Ahmednagar is also the headquarters of the Ahmednagar District. For out-of-state Indian travellers, Ahmednagar is famous for Sai Baba Temple in Shirdi. Sai Baba of Shirdi (in Ahmednagar district) or Shirdi Sai Baba (c. September 27, 1838 - October 15, 1918), born under an unknown name, was an Indian guru and fakir, who is regarded by his Hindu and Muslim followers as a saint. In his life and teachings he tried to embrace and reconcile both faiths: Sai Baba lived in a mosque, was buried in a Hindu temple, embraced Hindu and Muslim practices, and taught using words and figures that drew from both traditions. One of his well known epigrams says of God: "Allah Malik" ("GOD is the Owner of us All.")
Ahmednagar (sometimes misspelled as Ahmadnagar) is the largest district in the Maharashtra state of India. But it hasn't created LARGEST cultural, economic or social impact in Maharashtra state. Sugar, milk and bank cooperatives thrive here. Ahmednagar is home to 19 sugar factories and is also the birthplace of the cooperative movement. Due to scarce rainfall, Ahmednagar suffers from drought often. Ahmednagar district seriously lacks better infrastructure, schools/colleges, libraries and is mostly sleepy district. The population of the district is exploding but there are not enough public services to support this population. The city lacks good water management programme. Lack of industries creates dark cloud of economy on Ahmednagar. Most people (including graduated students/professors/teachers/ politicians/public administration officials) in Ahmednagar cann't read/write/speak in English. People are living in nearby towns (within 10 miles of Ahmednagar city) for 30+ years but haven't built roads there. There is a lack of enthusiasm in improving city/society with the help of citizens, civic bodies and government ministries. Lack of awareness of volunteering could be another problem. The city lacks knowledgable people and understanding of global development initiatives (most of the literature of these initiatives is in English.). Shortage of water and electrictiy is always a problem in Ahmednagar city and nearby towns. People still can not check and pay phone bill online using Internet. Few people still are not aware of why pin/zip codes are used in address. The city still hasn't created a map that travellers could buy in a bookshop and navigate the city.
Overall, in Ahmednagar, you will never see/hear about initiatives like starting a free library of academic, reference and fiction/nonfiction books in English in community, teaching people to speak in English for free, volunteering for a good cause, organizing science exhibitition, reading for blind children, bringing new industries/companies, reaching new frontiers of science and technology, starting research laboratory to study new science topics for children, puting Ahmednagar on map in international market, preserving history of city, visiting museums, solving water/electricity shortage problem, creating self-reliant sustainable enterprises(eco-economy), understanding of ecology (e.g. falling water tables, extinction of habitat, wind energy, solar energy, biofuels etc.) and how Ahmednagar is connected to world through ecology, building Ahmednagar city in balance with nature (ecology), being responsible global citizens, preparing and distributing a city map, road names/signs in English and Marathi. People living in Ahmednagar should ask themselves about these initiatives everyday and most importantly implement them.
c).The Planning Commission has placed on its agenda the eradication of poverty ,and its allocation of funds to the states would be more honest if places within the states are capable of sustaining themselves.
Refer to article by Brinda Karat :-Planning Commision and Poverty estimates-The Hindu- Wednesday –
Refer to article on Wednesday-November 1-2006 page 10-Hindustan Times –HT-Nation.-“Learn to say Bengalooru.”Here it has been clearly mentioned that the state government can change the name,but it has to be cleared by the Union Home Ministry.
e).The UN has also expressed concern over the irradication of Poverty- The Hindu-Tuesday
f).The hotel industry can bring about vast changes in the livelihood of the persons residing in a place-Refer to
g).The tourism of a place can bring about changes in Infrastructure-Refer to The Hindu-Friday October 20-2006. “Tourism Ministry for Visa on Arrival Scheme.”
h).Investments to a place increase ,if it has a religious name ,as many Bhakts of Sai Baba would like their working branch in Sai Baba Nagar.The CM also would agree on the issue.
Refer to article in The Hindu-Business Line-Wednesday-November 1-2006.-“We Addressed problems Sucessfully”:-Deshmukh.
i.Gautam Buddha Nagar was formed The District Gautam Buddh Nagar was formed on 6/9/97 with effect from Govt. order no 1249/97/82/97.District Gautam Buddh Nagar includes Dadri,Noida and Greater Noida from Gaziabad and Tehsil Sikandrabad and part of Khurja from Bulandshahar.The district has 4 development blocks,3 administrative tehsils and 16 police station.
j). Kannauj the place of Historical significance was separated from the District Farrukhabad and came in to light as a new district of U.P.Province on
k.)PIL letter submitted initially at the Supreme Court legal Services Committee’s office.Refer to Annexure-E
l)PIL submitted on 10-11-2006.Refer to Annexure B
6.Personal Orientation as Aggrieved person
a.The Change of Name will bring home to the general public the importance of a name,and add impetus to by endeavor to make AYODHYA THE 29TH STATE OF
b.I have submitted a research at the Delhi University to introduce Forensic Psychology as an intervention procedure in the Indian Judiciary,and Law by virtue of the Indian Evidence Act-Clause-45-“Opinion of Experts ,whereby psychology plays a major role because of either Mens Rea or psychological,religious and demographic profile of the accused.Here there is religious intervention too,especially for people of the Babri Masjid Demolition Case of 1992.However I have submitted a solution to the case by making Ayodhya a religious Tourism Destination by 2016-the proceeds of which would go to fill the fiscal deficit of the country[Graphical Representation enclosed along with SYNOPSIS SUBMITTED AT Delhi University in Annexure -B].
This however made the Delhi University recoil as presently,it is under the jurisdiction of the Congress Government ,who have been dead against all religious projects for Hindus,irrespective of their blatant utilization of Nehruji’s legacy as well as The Shilaniyas done by Rajiv Gandhiji in Ayodhya in 1989-synonmous with Nehruji’s birth date.They have sanctioned the project at the Law level and stalled it at the Psychology level.I have filed a Lawsuit against them at the Dehli Legal Services Authority-Shahid Bhagat Singh Palace.All the relevant documents are enclosed.
It would not suit my purpose to file a separate PIL to make the state of Ayodhya,as a public endeavor,as it is ,as its tourism proceeds would go to fill the fiscal deficit of the country ;and call the Union Government to task ,as to why they should not sanction the same,as this would defeat my purpose of introducing Forensic psychology at the University level.Psychology exists in all the fields of the country and it really is sad that it does not exist in the legal field,whereby cases of mental instability are regularly filed as well as Mens Rea forms an essential element of judgement protocol.
c.By the change of name of Ahmadnagar TO Sai Baba Nagar I will get the blessings of Sai Baba ,and my endeavor is that of a Devotee of Sai Baba to name the place after a saint who brought and is still bringing succour to the lives of so many devotees.Do not people make websites of Baba to dedicate their services to wards him.I need not be a resident of Ahmad nagar to dedicate Ahmednagar as Sai baba Nagar[please see PIL protocol enclosed.]Above all the name Shirdi has no meaning without Sai Baba.There is no indication in the name of the places which Baba inhabitated to show that the great saint lived here.Naming Shirdi as Sai Baba Nagar would defeat the purpose of alleviating poverty of the place ,as well as dilute the tourism landmark which shows the naïve traveler his way ,as well as typifies Shirdi as unique to Sai Baba.
d.Religion can breed business and job opportunities for many as is evident by my e-mail to Hindustan Copper Limited and DHL couriers regarding transportation of Hindu ashes across the globe and their immersion in Hindu pure rivers for Mokhsha.Letters enclosed.
7.The Second part of my PIL is to rename
a.Hyderabad was founded by the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda. It was built by Persian architects and was known as Isfahan-e-Nau, The New Isfahan due to its beauty and architectural style. The basic architectural design of the city was based upon the Quranic model of Paradise.The twin city Secundrabad separated by Hussain Sagar can be clubbed with it instead of demanding a separate state of Telangana.
b.The proposed State of Telangana would become again Hindu-however Isfahan-e-Nau would give it special status ,as a Muslim named State,and satisfy the minority.
c.There is no state in India with a Muslim name where by the chief minister wants to provide quota to muslims-Refer to article-“AP committed to providing Muslim Quota”.The Hindu _July 30th 2006-Sunday.Our PM too wants reservation for Muslims.
d.The formation of a Muslim State Telangana would come between the deadline of formation of Ayodhya ,which to be meaningful to the 16th Samskara of Hindus has to be completed by 2016.,as well as it to be historically significant,as well as honor the number 29 ,as 29th AD. Was the punya Tithi of Jesus Christ ,and the project will breed communal harmony of Christains with Hindus.A religious place can be conducive of religious symbolism which does not exist for Telangana,which in no condition is a holy place.The targets for growth can be achieved by renaming and reorganising Hyderabad and Secundrabad at district levels and taking major margins for growth together.
e.)Secundrabad and Hyderabad are linked by a holy lake Hussain Sagar ,which will make it religiously significant.
f).Tourist attraction for Muslims ,who would like to visit the Muslim named state,which has a holy orientation to it.
g).It is said that if you give a holy orientation to the place,natural and man made calamities become lesser in number.Andhra Pradesh has been a hell hole of farmers Suicides.Maybe Allah would come to help the grieving farmers.
h).There is already a website for HYDERABAD and SECUNDRABAD together,visualizing them as twin cities.
8.The third part of my PIL forms international orientation.AND ARBITRATION
Everyone is true to their own native tongue and culture.We had the names of Mumbai,Chennai and Kolkatta changed.Under process are Bengaloore as also Pudicherry.Our very own Mrs.Dixit wants the roads of Delhi renamed.
But what has not struck people since time immemorial is that the
Sindhu Sagar a name which will immoratalize the Sindhu Ghati civilization ,as also the Sind province of Pakistan.How painful it is to write Arabian Sea when -there is no Arab majority on the shores it touches.Its a personal pain to me that my very own Jabalpur Narmada should empty itself in an Arabian Sea-whence Sindhu Sagar ,would be more appealing.
b.A similar dispute exists for sea of Japan.
There is a dispute over using the name "Sea of Japan" to refer to the sea bordered by Russia, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea. Although Sea of Japan, or equivalent translations, are commonly used in international productions, North and South Korea insist on different names.
North Korea proposes the "East Sea of Korea"[citation needed] and South Korea proposes the "East Sea",[1] or the "Sea of Korea" [2] respectively, instead of or as names concurrent with "Sea of Japan".
The Survey of India recognizes 12 nautical miles .However if we see the Sindhi Language as well as Sindhi Community ,Pakistan will also like the sea named Sindhu Sagar,along with honouring theSindhi community of India,as well as its common Sindhu Ghati Civilization.
Refer to two articles
“HRD to hold Linguistic survey soon”-The Economic Times Saturday 28th October 2006.page-3.
Trade as Usual at China –N Korea border.”October 28th 2006-page-27 Hindustan Times.The dispute has regional implications ,and also shows how important names are for nations-leave alone states.
c. Sindhī is the language of the Sindh region of South Asia, which is now a province of Pakistan. It is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by approximately 18.5 million people in Pakistan, and 2.8 million in India; it is also a recognised official language in both of these countries. Although the language is predominantly Indo-Aryan, it also shows up signs of Dravidian influence, making it unique in its importance and identity. Most Sindhi speakers in Pakistan are concentrated in Sindh. The remaining speakers are found spread throughout the many areas of the world (mainly other parts of India) to which members of an ethnic group migrated when Sindh became a part of Pakistan during the partition of British India in 1947. The language is written using the modified Arabic script. In 1948, the Government of India implemented the Devanagari script for Sindhi that did not get wide acceptance.
d.That Sindhu Ghati Civilization was basic to the name Sindhu Sagar ,as well as the Hindu Kush Mountains and it would give the Hindu Culture a boost by way of conserving cultural ethos especially appraising the children ,who would now write Sindhu Sagar in The Indian Geographical Map instead of the lopsided Arabian Sea which has no cultural orientation,except that it touches the shore of Saudia Arabia.
e.Mecca/Medina have their own Red Sea,and has nothing to do with Arabian Sea.
Violation and enforcement of Fundamental rights named herein.
1.The present PIL is governed by Article 32 of the Indian Constitution as well as ARTICLE 51A. [Fundamental duties ]OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA.
2.The questions of Law will be further specified by the respondent State authorities as pertaining to their own laws.
3.The questions of Law will also be specified by the Union of India as concerning International Arbitration at the International Court of Justice,for naming Arabian Sea as Sindhu Sagar.
4.Article 32 of the Constitution of India guarantees Fundamental Rights ,both towards their enforcement 32(2) in the positive direction as well as issue mandamus/command if there is a violation in the negative direction.Abstract declarations of fundamental rights in the Constitution are useless,unless there is the means to make them effective.The Supreme Court is thus constituted the guarantor as well as the protector of Fundamental rights,and it cannot,consistently with the responsibility so laid upon it,refuse to entertain applications seeking protection against the infringement of such right,on technical grounds.(1)Thus though a writ may ordinarily be refused on the ground that the Petitioner has another adequate legal remedy open to him,an application under Art.32 cannot be refused merely on the ground where a fundamental right appears to have been infringed.(3)It can also issue suitable directions,in appropriate cases for enforcement of even Fundamental duties which are obligatory ,as the State should strive to achieve the same(2).
1..Rural Litigation vs.State of UP(1989) Supp.(1).S.C.C.504(para-16).
2.Rural Litigation vs State of U.P.,A,1987 S.C.359 (para20)
3.Basappa vs Nagappa(1955)1 S.C.R.250;Kharak Singh vs State of UP,A,1963SC.1295.
On the other side of the coin as the above petition is directly related to both economic upliftment of a laid back state through the advancement of religious tourism; as well as the Ayodhya issue it would not be out of place to quote Dr.Durga Das Basu in his”Introduction to the Constitution of India” page 120:-
“The Preamble to our Constitution aims at securing the ‘unity and integrity of the nation’.Religious and cultural safeguards have been guaranteed by the Constitution to minority communities in order to ensure them ‘justice,freedom of thought,expression,belief,faith and worship.”But if any minotity community goes on clamouring for more than what the framers of the constitution offered to them,it would simply perpetuate the insular objectives of these communities and India would never grow up into a Nation,inspired with the ideal of ‘unity and integrity of the Nation’.To revert to the ante-independence vortex of communalism and separatism would imperil the very foundation of Independence.
On the other hand secularism which means neutrality of the State towards all religions will itself be VIOLATED if the Government suppresses the religious or other legal rights of the majority community to appease the demands of an aggressive minority.”
But the linguistic minorities like the Sindhis and the Kashmiris need to be given special protection as Kashmiri has a vedic Sanskrit base.
Thus defination of “composite culture” as specified in 51A(f)-Fundamental duties-to quote both Dr. Durga Das as well as the Supreme Court pg 136;-
“In this context ,it would be better to remove a misnomer involved in the expression ‘composite culture’in Cl.(f) of Art.51A.The Supreme Court has now pointed out that the foundation of this composite culture is the Sanskrit language and literature which is the great binding force “for the different peoples of this country and it should be preferred in the educational system for preservation of that heritage,-apart from the duty of the Government under Art 351.”
To quote the Supreme Court
“though the people of this country differed in a number of ways,they all were proud to regard themselves as participants in a common heritage,and that heritage,emphatically,is the heritage of Sanskrit.”
The reason is that the original population of India was Hindu.Thereafter this country was subjected to Muslim and British rule.Because of its wonderful tolerance,the Hindu culture imbibed these alien cultures and thus grew up a ‘Composite culture “in India[Para 118]
Reference:-Bommai vs Union of India,A.1994.SC.1918.A 9 Judge Bench Decision.
Now the violations/enforcements in the present petition are :-
A..Article 14.)Right to Equality before Law.
“The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.”
B.Article 15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.—
(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
4) Nothing in this article or in clause (2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.
From this fundamental right follows:-
i) Article 38.- State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people.—(1) The State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of the national life.
(2) The State shall, in particular, strive to minimise the inequalities in income, and endeavour to eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities, not only amongst individuals but also amongst groups of people residing in different areas or engaged in different vocations.
ii)Article 47. Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health.—The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and, in particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to health.
Article 51A. Fundamental duties.—It shall be the duty of every citizen of
(a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;
(b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
(c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of
(d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures;
(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.
C.Right to Freedom of Religion
25. Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.—(1) Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate religion.
(2) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any existing law or prevent the State from making any law—
(a) regulating or restricting any economic, financial, political or other secular activity which may be associated with religious practice;
(b) providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus.
Explanation II.—In sub-clause (b) of clause (2), the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly.
Article 26. –Freedom to manage religious affairs Subject to public order, morality and health, every religious denomination or any section there of shall have the right—
(a) to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes;
(b) to manage its own affairs in matters of religion;
(c) to own and acquire movable and immovable property; and
(d) to administer such property in accordance with law.
From this follows the non fundamental right in :-
i.)Article 3. . Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing States.—Parliament may by law—
(a) form a new State by separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States or parts of States or by uniting any territory to a part of any State;
(b) increase the area of any State;
(c) diminish the area of any State;
(d) alter the boundaries of any State;
(e) alter the name of any State:
Provided that no Bill for the purpose shall be introduced in either House of Parliament except on the recommendation of the President and unless, where the proposal contained in the Bill affects the area, boundaries or name of any of the States, the Bill has been referred by the President to the Legislature of that State for expressing its views thereon within such period as may be specified in the reference or within such further period as the President may allow and the period so specified or allowed has expired.
Explanation I.—In this article, in clauses (a) to (e), “State’’ includes a Union territory, but in the proviso, “State’’ does not include a Union territory.
Explanation II.—The power conferred on Parliament by clause (a) includes the power to form a new State or Union territory by uniting a part of any State or Union territory to any other State or Union territory.
ii)Article 49:- Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance.—It shall be the obligation of the State to protect every monument or place or object of artistic or historic interest, declared by or under law made by Parliament to be of national importance, from spoliation, disfigurement, destruction, removal, disposal or export, as the case may be.
Although Sindhu Sagar is not denotive of Sindhi culture ,but the beginning of Hindu religion,the Indus Valley Civilization site in its present location ,has Sindhi speaking locales,as well as in Sind.This would serve the purpose of Article 29. as well as Article 14 -equality before law for the Sindhi speaking populace of India ,whose rights will be highlighted by making them a linguistic minority,as well as serve the purpose of Article 51-
iii)Article 51. Promotion of international peace and security.—The State shall endeavour to—
(a) promote international peace and security;
(b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations;
(c) foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another; and
(d) encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration.
D.)That article 32 it self is fundamental right to constitutional remedies for violations and enforcements of the Indian Constitution.
1.That presently Ayodhya issue is a closed chapter since the fall of the Vajpayee Government and concerns all Hindus .This PIL seeks justice in the same through the introduction of Forensic Psychology to the Law and Judiciary of India,as well as bringing forth the importance of names since the Sindhu Ghati Civilization by change of names of Ahmednagar in Maharashtra,Hyderabad and Secundrabad in Andhra Pradesh as well as Arabian sea.
2.Because India being a poor nation seeing the mounting International debt ,would benefit by Religious Tourism,if acceded to Central Authority for filling Fiscal Deficit.
3.That Ahmednagar itself will prosper in the name of Sai Baba Nagar ,as well as honor the great saint Sai Baba.
4.That a precedent would be set to name other places in India as well as the States after religious and patriotic entities.
5.That I would like to move the honorable Supreme Court to settle the Ayodhya issue peacefully and academically the proceeds of which would go to fill the fiscal deficit of the country,benefitting all castes.See Graphical representation in Annexure C.
6.That Haj subsidy is provided by the Government of India and is exemplary as to value of Religious Tourism.
7.That the Syrian Church, Haj and Gurudwaras are stinkingly rich but choose to benefit only their own castes from the proceeds of donations.Sai Baba Nagar,Ayodhya would seek to benefit all castes from the proceeds of donations.
8.That my work in Forensic Psychology which has been stalled by the Delhi University has not only deprived me of Intellectual Property Rights to the same ,but also a lucrative means of earning livlihood .Presently I am unemployed and earn zero.
9.That due to lack of Security granted to me by the Indiuan Government ,I have been targeted by stinking religious minorities whose interests would be served by destroying pure Sanatan Hinduism.
10.That the 29th State Ayodhya would also honor the Punya Tithi of Jesus Christ who merged into divinity in 29.A.D.,and seek to justify Christain Tourism to India Too and thus gain in international relations with 150 Christain Countries.
11.That my endeavor is to enrich AYODHYA and AHMEDNAGAR, with religious Tourism
12.That renaming of Hyderabad + Secundrabad with Hussain Sagar in Between would seek to ameliorate minority passions and dissolve the unecessary Telangana Issue,in a decent way.
THAT THE PRESENT PETITIONER HAS NOT FILED ANY OTHER PETITION IN ANY HIGH COURT OR SUPREME COURT OF INDIA ON THE SUBJECT MATTER OR THE PRESENT PETITION.However litigation stating Forensic Psychology introduction /intellectual property rights,as well hurt involved in stalling of project from 10-10-2005 to date ;by the Delhi University; has been forwarded by the Delhi Legal Services Authority on 14-11-2006 to Delhi High Court.The file can also be forwarded to the Honorable Supreme Court as the matter pertains to the India nation and not to Delhi Authority alone.Also any other University seeking to introduce it in recent date should be stopped by Stay –Order to protect my intellectual property rights as well as Logical presense of Supreme Court at Delhi,without which the project would be incomplete and unjustified.
It is ,there fore , respectfully prayed that under the peculiar facts and circumstances of the present case,this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:-
For the issuance of an appropriate ,direction or order especially in the nature of mandamus directing the respondents to ;-
Change the names:-
1.Ahmad nagar as Sai Baba Nagar in Maharashtra
2.Hyderabad and Secundrabad as one Isfahan-e-Nau in Andhara Pradesh.
3.Arabian Sea as Sindhu Sagar.
2.Serve as Arbitator to the AYODHYA ISSUE AND SOLVE IT ON THE BASIS OF THE PRESENT PETITION through cognizable efforts of the Union of India which is one of the respondents.
3.Seek to issue protection orders/security for my person.
4.Solve the issue submitted at Delhi Legal Services Cell-Bhagat Singh Palace of Introduction of Forensic Psychology to India -Synopsis submitted at Dehli University,who have stalled the project .They have directed the file to High Court on 14-11-2006.Court ‘s Order Copy enclosed in Annexure .-B.
5.Summon the whole record of the present case and after perusing the same may be pleased to;
6.Issue any other appropriate writ ,order or direction which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper under the facts and circumstances of the present case;
7.To dispense with the services of advance notice upon the respondents to accept the present writ petition with costs in favor of the petitioner and against the respondents.
DRAWN ON:-18-11-2006
Filed on 18-11-2006.
[The proceedings of the Supreme Court are conducted in English only. Supreme Court Rules, 1966 are framed under Article 145 of the Constitution to regulate the practice and procedure of the Supreme Court.]
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