May 14, 2003
Implications of Uphaar Cinema judgement
There is wide consensus that the award of Rs.17 crores to the victims of the Uphaar Cinema fire, is a landmark event. Both the petitioners’ and defence lawyers concur that the Delhi High Court judgement of April 24, 2003 will force businesses and government bodies to become aware that their neglect of laws will cost them dear. There are many other positive gains too for India, but we will come to them later. First the facts.
In the year 1997 as India was preening itself to celebrate 50 years of Independence a patriotic film, ‘Border’ premiƨred on June 13 at Uphaar Cinema, Delhi. It was a Friday the 13th and lived up to its reputation. A fire began in the car park and engulfed the cinema. 59 died and over a hundred were seriously injured.
But then something happened that would change the way liability is apportioned in India. A diligent Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr.Naresh Kumar produced within 20 days, a devastating indictment of many bodies. He catalogued the culpability of a huge cast in the tragedy:
--Delhi’s power utility [DVB] had shoddily installed a transformer in a private property, the Uphaar basement.
-- The car park meant for 15, usually packed twice that number
--Following a fire in Gopal Towers in 1983, all high-risk buildings were inspected and Uphaar was found to be deficient. Its licence was cancelled but it obtained a ‘temporary’ and carried on the next decade till the 1997 fire.
--Ansals, the owners had illegally constructed a balcony and fitted in extra seats
--An entire rows of exits had been been blocked to create the added facilty
--The fire services were barely equipped to cope with the disaster
--Delhi’s power utility [DVB] had shoddily installed a transformer in a private property, the Uphaar basement.
-- The car park meant for 15, usually packed twice that number
--Following a fire in Gopal Towers in 1983, all high-risk buildings were inspected and Uphaar was found to be deficient. Its licence was cancelled but it obtained a ‘temporary’ and carried on the next decade till the 1997 fire.
--Ansals, the owners had illegally constructed a balcony and fitted in extra seats
--An entire rows of exits had been been blocked to create the added facilty
--The fire services were barely equipped to cope with the disaster
The first gain out of the ashes of this tragedy was directly due to the Naresh Kumar Report. Tulsi says, “it was not difficult for us to apply the principle of Public Law Liability on the basis of Strict Liability Principle, without having to prove the actual loss suffered by each victim.” Previously it used to be a heartless evaluation of the income of the deceased lost to the heirs. Presumably a plumber’s life is less valuable than that of a tycoon’s. Now the rule of the game has changed.
Next, the victims here formed themselves into an association which helped them stay the course for six years, support each other in their grief and anxieties, manage the costs and prove formidable for the defendants.
Finally --and most imporatantly-- the Court divided the award of Rs.17 crores among the Ansals [55%] and three municipal services. The Court indicted the fire services and the power company and the licensing authorities and to make their censure memeorable, made them pay cold cash. This is a first for India and commentators say it bodes well for the rule of law.
Ansals have just two months to pay up or else their property is to be auctioned to satisfy the liability. Expectedly, whispers have arisen saying that this judgement would open the floodgates of liability litigations prompted by lawyers. Tulsi retorts: “ the open defiance of safety laws can only be contained by opening these floodgates. We are glad that the floodgates have been opened, albeit only a little.”June 23-
Parsvanath (23rd Tirthantkara) of JAINISM
aka Parshva (ParSvanatha); avatar of Swarnabahu, worshipped as Bhagwan (GOD)
Born: 877 BC Died: 777 BC
Martyrdom of Dr. Shyamaprasad
After ensuring peoples' support for the agitation, Dr. Prasad decided to test on the touchstone of Nehru's statement that Kashmir was 100 per cent part of India. In this context he decided to come to Jammu without a permit. While leaving Delhi for a two-day tour of Punjab on May 9, he issued a statement that his purpose of visiting Jammu was not to foment tension and trouble but his aim was to make another bid to resolve the discord through peaceful and honourable means. While commenting on his decision to enter Jammu without a permit he said that as a citizen of India he had the full right to visit any part of the country and since Nehru would say everyday that Kashmir was 100 per cent part of India he had decided to go there without any permit.
This step of Dr. Mookherjee received powerful appreciation in the entire country. Between Deihi and Pathanot thousands of men and women greeted him at many stations with the slogan "abolish permit system" and he was assured of their support. It was expected that Dr. Prasad would be arrested before reaching Pathankot. But out of the scare of the Supreme Court, the Government allowed him not only to reach Pathankot but also assured that it would not take any step aganist him when he would enter Jammu.
The Deputy Commissioner of Gurdaspur District, Mr. Vashisht, informed Dr. Prasad at Pathankot that he could visit Jammu without any permit and the Government of India will not create any hurdle in his way. He also informed him that in Jammu Bakshi Ghulam Mohd. would meet him. But when he entered into the Jammu border alongwith his associates, the Kashmir militiamen stopped him on the Ravi bridge. There, the Superintendent of Police, Kathua, directed him not to enter into the state border. Dr. Prasad refused to accept the order and was arrested under the Kashmir Security Act.
Prior to his arrest he told people, in a message, that "I have entered into Jammu and Kashmir, but in the capacity of a prisoner". His message spread like lightning in the entire country. Satyagrahis, from various corners, started entering into Jammu and Kashmir without permits. With one stroke of Dr. Prasad the artificial wall of permit system between Jammu and Kashmir and the rest of India crumbled and with it Nehru 's lie that Kashmir was 100 per cent part of India stood exposed.
After his arrest Dr. Mookherjee was taken to Srinagar where on the 43rd day of his detention he was declared dead in mysterious circumstances on June 23.
Letter of Dr. Shyama Prasad's mother to Nehru
".... I know he cannot be brought back to life. But I want to know what role your Government has played in this shocking event 60 that people can know the reasons behind this tragedy in this independent country. Allow justice to take its course while dealing with any crime of an individual, even if he is occupying a high post, so that people are allowed to remain alert against such criminals and there was no scope for any other mother like me to wail and weep over such a type of tragedy."
Nehru's reply
"... I have enquired from those people who know the reality. I can say only this much that I stand by truth and there is no mystery around this incident .."
Yogmaya Devi's reply
"... I do not want any clarification from you, I want an inquiry. Your arguments are hollow and you are afraid of facing the truth. Remember, you are answerable to the People and God. I treat the Kashmir Government guilty of the murder of my son and I charge it with having killed my son. I hold your Government guilty of concealing the matter and of attempts at manoeuvring ..."
As a result of the rejection of the demand for an enquiry, people of India raised one voice saying that Dr. Mookherjee was killed. The life of a national leader was finished for achieving hateful political goal.
Success of Satyagrah
The Satyagrah was suspended for 13 days after the death of Dr. Mookherjee. In the meantime, Nehru issued a direct appeal requesting people to call offthe Satyagrah. It was for the first time in the history that a direct appeal for calling off the Satyagrah was issued by a ruler. The result of the confabulations was that a decision was taken to end the Satyagrah. On July 7, the agitation was called off on the appeal of Sh. Premnath Dogra and the Government was given an opportunity for changing its policies in arder to ensure integration of Kashmir with India, for which assurance had been given by Nehru, Dr Katju and the Bakshi.
Whatever Dr. Prasad had said was achieved. The Sheikh was dismissed and arrested. Nehru, by accepting his mistake, expressed his regrets over the evil deeds of Sheikh Abdullah and held talks with the leaders of Praja Parishad. The Kashmir Constituent Assembly adopted a resolution announcing merger of Kashmir with India and the President of India issued a special notification on May 14, 1954 for the implementation of all the clauses of the Delhi Agreement.1985 -
June 23-
Boeing 747 carrying Air India Flight 182 blew-up 31,000 feet (9500 m) above the Atlantic Ocean, South of Ireland, killing all 329 aboard.Carlos the Jackal
Carlos Marcello (b. February 6, 1910 – March 3, 1993) was a New Orleans mobster who became the boss of the New Orleans crime family, during the 1960s.It did not take Marcello long to get back into the United States. Undercover informants reported that Marcello made several threats against John F. Kennedy, at one time uttering the traditional Sicilian death threat curse, "Take the stone from my shoe." Some of those who knew him, however, suggested that Marcello did not know enough Italian to utter such a threat. In September 1962, Marcello told private investigator Edward Becker that, "A dog will continue to bite you if you cut off its tail...," (meaning Attorney General Robert Kennedy.), "...whereas if you cut off the dog's head...," (meaning President Kennedy), "...it would cease to cause trouble." Becker reported that Marcello, "clearly stated that he was going to arrange to have President Kennedy killed in some way." Marcello told another informant that he would need to take out "insurance" for the assassination by, "....setting up some nut to take the fall for the job, just like they do in Sicily."
Just before Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November 1963, Dallas, Texas nightclub owner Jack Ruby made contact with Marcello, and Tampa, Florida boss Santos Trafficante, about a labor problem he was having with the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA).
After the assassination of Kennedy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated Marcello. They came to the conclusion that Marcello was not involved in the assassination. On the other hand, they also said that they, "....did not believe Carlos Marcello was a significant organized crime figure," and that Marcello earned his living, "....as a tomato salesman and real estate investor." As a result of this investigation, the Warren Commission concluded that there was no direct link between Ruby and Marcello.
The New Orleans Combine frequently met at a well-known exclusive Italian restaurant in the New Orleans suburb of Avondale, Louisiana known as Mosca's. It has been said that Mosca's was the epicenter for Carlos Marcello and his many associates. It is still in operation today, after renovations following Hurricane Katrina by the Mosca family.
The Marcello family and descendants still own or control a significant amount of real estate in southeast Louisiana.
Deportation efforts - Carlos Marcello and his syndicate became a primary target of investigation by the Department of Justice during the Kennedy administration. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy viewed him as one of the most powerful and threatening Mafia leaders in the Nation and ordered that the Justice Department focus on him, along with other figures such as Teamsters president Hoffa and Chicago Mafia leader Sam Giancana. (74)
- In Marcello's case the intent of the Kennedy administration was made known even before Inauguration Day, January 20, 1961. On December 28, 1960, the New Orleans States-Item reported that Attorney General-designate Kennedy was planning specific actions against Marcello. (75) An FBI report from that period noted: On January 12, 1961, a [source] advised that Carlos Marcello is extremely apprehensive and upset and has since the New Orleans States-Item newspaper on December 28, 1960 published a news story reporting that... Robert F. Kennedy stated he would expedite the deportation proceedings pending against Marcello after Kennedy takes office in January 1961. (76)
- The Bureau's La Cosa Nostra file for 1961 noted that Marcello flew to Washington, D.C., shortly after the inauguration o.f President Kennedy and was in touch with a number of political and business associates.(77) While there, he placed a telephone call to the office of at least one Congressman. (78)
- Bureau records further indicate that Marcello initiated various efforts to forestall or prevent the anticipated prompt deportation action. An FBI report noted that Marcello may have tried a circuitous approach. (79) Through a source, the Bureau learned of another Mafia leader's account of how Marcello had reportedly proceeded.(80) Philadelphia underworld leader Angelo Bruno discussed a specific attempt by Marcello to forestall an action by the immigration authorities.(81) According to the Philadelphia underworld leader Marcello had enlisted his close Mafia associate, Santos Trafficante of Florida, in the reported plan. (82) Trafficante in turn contacted Frank Sinatra to have the singer use his friendship with the Kennedy family on Marcello's behalf. (83) This effort met with failure and may even have resulted in intensified Federal efforts against Marcello. (84)
- In response to Attorney General Kennedy's strong interest in Marcello, the New Orleans FBI office prepared a report on him and his Mafia associates for FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on February 13, 1961. (85) A report prepared under the direction of special Agent Regis Kennedy, the New Orleans office stated that "Continued investigation of Carlos Maxcello since December 1957, has failed to develop vulnerable area wherein Marcello may be in violation of statutes within the FBI's jurisdiction." (86) This assessment by the New Orleans office illustrated why Justice Department and other law enforcement officials viewed as less than satisfactory its performance prior to the mid-1960's in investigating organized crime.
Cello - A companion for Life
Insulated 3 Tier lunch carrier
Sanjay Gandhi (December 14, 1946 –- June 23, 1980) was an Indian politician, the younger son of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and politician Feroze Gandhi.
Jama Masjid slum and Family planning controversies
In 1976, Sanjay Gandhi launched a drive to cleanse the city of slums and force their residents to leave the capital. Sanjay reportedly ordered officials of the Delhi Development Authority, headed by his associate Jagmohan, to clear the heavily populated, mostly Muslim slum near the Turkman Gate and Jama Masjid in Delhi. This forced resettlement of more than 250,000 people killed at least a dozen as recorded[1] and became a touchstone for the opposition.Sanjay also publicly initiated a widespread family planning program to limit population growth. But this resulted in government officials and police officers forcibly performing vasectomies in order to meet quotas and in some cases, sterilizing women as well. Officially, men with two children or more had to submit to sterilization, but many unmarried young men, political opponents and ignorant, poor men were also believed to have been sterilized. This program is still remembered and criticized in India, and is blamed for creating a public aversion to family planning, which hampered Government programmes for decades.
Sanjay Gandhi died in an air crash on June 23, 1980 near Safdarjung Airport in New Delhi. He was flying a new aircraft of the Delhi Flying club, and while performing a loop over his Office, lost control and crashed. The only passenger in the plane, Captain Subhas Saxena was also killed in the crash.Maruti Udyog 1984 / All models of the make |
- 1970 - 1980 - 1990
Around 1970, Sanjay Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi's younger son, envisioned the manufacture of an indigenous, cost-effective, low maintenance compact car for the Indian middle-class. Indira Gandhi's cabinet passed a unanimous resolution for the development and production of a "People's Car". Sanjay Gandhi's company was christened Maruti Limited. [3] The name of the car was chosen as "Maruti", after a Hindu deity named Maruti. At that time Hindustan Motors' Ambassador was the chief car, and the company had come out with a new entrant, the Premier Padmini which was slowly gaining a part of the market share dominated by the Ambassador. For the next ten years, the Indian car market had stagnated at a volume of 30,000 to 40,000 cars for the decade ending 1983. Sanjay Gandhi was awarded the exclusive contract and licence to design, develop and manufacture the "People's Car". This exclusive rights of production generated some criticism in certain quarters, which was directly targeted at Indira Gandhi. Over the next few years, the company was sidelined due to the Bangladesh Liberation War and emergency. In the early days under the powerful patronage of Sanjay Gandhi, the company was provided with free land, tax breaks and funds. Till the end of 1970s, the company had not started the production and a prototype test model was welcomed with criticism and skepticism. The company went into liquidation in 1977. The media perceived it to be another area of growing corruption. [4] Unfortunately, Maruti started to fly only after the death of Sanjay Gandhi, when Suzuki Motors joined the Government of India as a joint venture partner with 50% share.[5] After his death, Indira Gandhi decided that the project should not be allowed to die. Maruti entered into this collaboration with Suzuki Motors, The collaboration heralded a revolution in the Indian car industry by producing the Maruti 800. The car went on sale on December 14, 1983. It created a record by taking 13 months time to go from design to rolling out cars from a production line. Monday, May 28, 2007Pavan Putra Hanuman![]() http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080104224253AAJ9azm Hanuman, actually devine and is an reincarnation of Lord Shiva. Pavan is anoather name of Vayu. Pavan had played an important role in Anjana's begetting Hanuman as her child. Hanuman’s spiritual father is Vayu, so Hanuman is also called Pavan-putra (meaning ’son of Pavan’) or Maruti. Being divine, Hanuman was born with immense physical strength, the power to fly, and divine levels of endurance. Hanuman was born as the son of Anjana a female vanara. Anjana was actually an Apsaras (a celestial being), named Punjikasthala, who, due to a curse, was born on the earth as a female vanara. The curse was to be removed on her giving birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Anjana was the wife of Kesari, a strong vanara who once killed a mighty elephant that was troubling sages and hermits. He therefore got the name ‘Kesari’, meaning lion, and is also called Kunjara SĆ¼dana, the elephant killer. The word Hanuman means "injured jaw" in Sanskrit. As a child, he assumed the Sun to be a ripe fruit, he once took flight to catch hold of it to eat. Indra, the king of devas observed this. He hurled his weapon, the Vajra (thunderbolt) at Hanuman, which struck his jaw. He fell back down to the earth and became unconscious. Upset, Vayu went into seclusion, taking the atmosphere with him. As living beings began to get asphyxiated, to pacify Vayu, Indra withdrew the effect of his thunderbolt, and the devas revived Hanuman and blessed him with multiple boons. However, a permanent mark was left on his chin (hanuhH in Sanskrit). Anjanari that is the name of this place too. It is the birth place of Lord Hanuman and Anjanari is his mother's name. This place is 5 kilometers away from Trimbakeshwar on the route to Nashik. This place has a huge statue of the monkey god, the statue must be at least 15 - 20 feet tall. The other speciality of this place is that the waterfall flows upwards... a few more kilometers trek away from this place. is said that the wind is so strong that it pushes the water flow upwards... probably that is why he is called the son of Wind God - Pavan Putra Hanuman |
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