Mannlicher-Carcano rifle

"That in June, 1984, the Indian Army mounted an operation
known as "Blue Star Operation" by which the Armed Force
personnel entered the Golden Temple Complex at
flush out the armed terrorists. That operation resulted in
loss of life and property as well as damage to the Akal
Takht at the
feelings of some members of the Sikh community.
Resentment was expressed even by some of the
Sikh employees of the Delhi Police posted for Prime Minister's security.
The accused persons are Sikhs by faith. They had been expressing their resentment openly, holding the Prime Minister responsible for the action taken at
PG NO 138
parties to a criminal conspiracy to murder Mrs. Indira
Mrs. Indira Gandhi,the Prime Minister, had returned from
an official tour of Orissa in the evening of October 30,
1984. The day followed was Wednesday. In the early hours of
every Wednesday, Mrs. Indira Gandhi used to meet people in groups. So it was called "Darshan Day". Unfortunately, shE did not adhere to that usual programme. The "Darshan" was
cancelled because of another engagement. That engagement was
with well-known actor and writer Peter Ustinov. His crew was
to record an interview with Mrs. Indira Gandhi for Irish
They were waiting at Bungalow No. 1,
the home office of the Prime Minister. Bungalow No.1,
Minister. The two buildings are connected by a narrow
cemented pathway. They are located practically in one
campus, but separated by a sentry gate which is known as the
"TMC Gate". This is the place where hidden hands sent shock
waves to the Nation. Mrs. Indira Gandhi at about
emerged from her house with her loyal assistants and a
faithful servant. Immediately) behind her was Head Constablc
Narayan Singh (PW-9) holding an umbrella to protect her
against the Sun. Rameshwar Dayal (PW- 10) an Assistant Sub-
Inspector, Nathu Ram (PW-64), her personal attendant and
R.K. Dhawan, Special Assistant were closely following Mrs.
Gandhi. All were on the cemented pathway. Mrs. Gandhi was at
the head of the entourage. She was approaching the TMC gate
where Beant Singh, SI was on the left side while Satwant
Singh, Constable was on the right side. They had managed to
exchanged his duty with S.I. Jai Narain (PW-7). Satwant
Singh ought to be at Beat No. 4. He, however, managed to get
TMC sentry booth by misrepresenting that he was suffering
from dysentry. He was given that place since it was near the
latrine. Beant Singh was armed with his service revolver
while Satwant Singh had SAF Carbine. When Mrs. Gandhi
reached near the TMC gate, Beant Singh opened fire from his
carbine. Beant Singh Fired five rounds and Satwant Singh
released 25 bullets at Mrs. Gandhi. Then and there Mrs.
Gandhi fell down never to get up. She was immediately rushed
to the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS). There
a team of doctors fought their losing battle of save the
life of the slain Prime Minister.
Rameshwar Dayal (PW-10) who was following Mrs. Gandhi
also received bullet injuries as a result of the shots fired
by the accused. At the spot of the incident, the two assains
PG NO 139
are alleged to have thrown their arms and said "I have done
what I have to do. Now you do what you have to do." The
personnel of the Indo Tibetan Boarder Police (ITBP) pounced
on them and took them off to the guard room. What happened
inside the guard room is not on the record. The fact,
however, remains that both the assassins had been shot by
the ITBP personnel. They were soon removed to the hospital
where Beant Singh was pronounced dead and Satwant Singh was
found to be critically injured. Satwant Singh survived after
15 days' treatment. He is accused No. 1 in this case. Balbir
Singh and Kehar Singh are the other two accused. They are
said to be parties to the conspiracy to eliminate Mrs.
Indira Gandhi. Balbir Singh was an S.I. posted in the
security at the residence of the Prime Minister. Kehar Singh
was an Assistant in the Directorate General of Supply and
investigation, the charge-sheet was filed
against the three appellants. They were accused of offences
under Section 120-B, 109 and 34 read with Section 302 of the
IPC and also of substantive offances under Sections 302 and
307 of the IPC and Section 27, 54 and 59 of the Arms Act. It
may be mentioned that the report also names Beant Singh as
one of the accused but since he had died, the charges
against him were said to have abated.
In due course, the accused were committed to take their
trial in the Court of Session. In the meanwhile, the High
Court of Delhi issued two notifications. By one
notification, the High Court directed the trial of the case
shall he held in the Central Jail, Tihar according to law.
By another notification, the High Court directed that "the
case be tried by Shri Mahesh Chandra, Additional Sessions
the accused were tried in Central Jail, Tihar. The learned
trial Judge found the accused guilty of all the charges
framed against them and sentenced them as earlier stated."
PG NO 32
"so well for the last forty years. There is yet another
serious consideration. Beant Singh (deceased) and accused
Satwant Singh were posted on the security duty of the
Prime Minister to protect her from any intruder or from any
attack from outside and, therefore, if they themselves
resort to this kind of offence, there appears to be no
reason or no mitigating circumstance for consideration on
the question of sentence. Additionally, an unarmed lady was
attacked by these two persons with a series of bullets and
it has been found that a number of bullets entered her body.31 IN TOTAL
The manner in which mercilessly she was attacked by these
two persons on whom confidence was reposed to give her
protection repels any consideration of reduction of
sentence. In this view of the matter, even the conspirator
who inspired the persons who actually acted does not deserve
any leniency in the matter of sentence. The death sentence
awarded by the trial Court and maintained by the High Court
appears to be just and proper. [115F-ll6B]
26. So far as appearance of falcon and offering of Ardas
is concerned, admittedly appearance of a falcon is
considered, by the Sikh Community, as a sacred thing as
falcon is supposed to be a representative of the Guru and
if, therefore, this accused and Beant Singh offered Ardas
nothing could be inferred from this alone. [105C]
2. In the instant case, the crime charged was not simply
the murdering of the human being, but it was the crime of
assassination of the duly elected Prime Minister of the
country. The motive for the crime was not personal, but the
consequences of the action taken by the Government in the
exercise of constitutional powers and duties. In our
democratic republic, no person who is duly constituted shall
be eliminated by privy conspiracies.
The 'Operation Blue Star' was not directed to cause damage to Akal Takht. Nor it
was intended to hurt the religious feelings of Sikhs. The
decision was taken by the responsible and responsive
Government in the national interest. The late Prime Minister
Smt. Indira Gandhi was, however, made the target for the
consequences of the decision.
The security guards who were duty-bound to protect the Prime Minister at the cost of
their lives, themselves became the assassins. All values and
all ideals in life; all norms and obligations were thrown to
the winds. It was a betrayal of the worst order. It was the
most foul and senseless assassination. The preparations for
and the execution of this egregious crime do deserve the
dread sentence of the law.
The allegations in the charge-sheet against this accused
if summarised are: that Balbir Singh like the other accused
persons has expressed his resentment openly holding Smt.
Indira Gandhi responsible for the 'Bluestar Operation'. He
was planning to commit the murder of Smt. Gandhi and he
discussed these matters with Beant Singh deceased who had
similar plan to commit the murder. He also shared his
intention and prompted accused Satwant Singh to commit the
murder of Smt. Gandhi and finally discussed the matter with
him on
falcon (baaz) happened to sit on the tree near the Reception
gate of the Prime Minister's house in the afternoon at about
1.30 P.M. Balbir Singh spotted the falcon and called Beant
Singh there. Both of them agreed that it has brought a
message of the Tenth Guru of Sikhs that they should do
something by way of revenge of the 'Bluestar Operation'.
Thereafter they offered 'Ardas'.
Then is the question of sentence which was argued to
some extent. But it must be clearly understood that it is
not a case where X is killed by Y on some personal ground or
personal vendatta. The person killed is a lady and no less
than the Prime Minister of this Country who was the elected
leader of the people. In our country we have adopted
accepted a system wherein change of the leader is
permissible by and not by bullet. The act of the accused not
only takes away the life of popular leader but also
undermines our system which has been working so well for the
last forty years. There is yet another serious
consideration. Beant Singh and Satwant Singh are persons who
were posted on the security duty of the Prime Minister. They
are posted there to protect her from any intruder or from
any attack from outside and therefore if they themselves
resort to this kind of offence. there appears to be no
reason or no mitigating circumstance for consideration on
the question of sentence. Additionally, an unarmed lady was
attacked by these two persons with a series of bullets and
it has been found that a number of bullets entered her body.
The manner in which mercilessly she was attacked by these
two persons on whom the confidence was reposed to give her
PG NO 116
protection repels any consideration of reduction of
sentence. In this view of the matter, even the conspirator
who inspired the persons who actually acted does not
deserves any leniency in the matter of sentence. In our
opinion, the sentence awarded by the trial court and
maintained by the High Court appears to be just and proper."
news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/3 of 7
Pilgrims perform the ritual "stoning of the devil" at Jamarat near Mecca. Pilgrims throw pebbles at stone pillars representing the devil.
YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."
PICKTHAL: When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.
SHAKIR: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”
“An Islamic state is established with the sole purpose of establishing the Deen of Allah Ta’ala on Allah’s earth. The prime object is to entrench Islam in the land. Should any individual’s personal interests be in conflict with this objective, preference will obviously be given to the Deen. The Islamic State is established for the Deen, and not for any particular individual or group. This will apply to even Muslim citizens. Should their personal ideals be in conflict with that of Islam, the ideals of Islam would reign superior.While the non-Muslim citizens do have the right to practice their religion in Daarul Islam, this is subject to certain conditions. The need for these conditions arises from the fact that, should they be granted absolute freedom, some of their actions would come in conflict with the objectives of the State. Some of these conditions will be discussed below.The Jizyah which the non-Muslim citizens of Daarul Islam (an Islamic State) pay does not grant them “complete freedom of religion” but rather guarantees them three rights:
Security of life: It is the duty of the Islamic State to guarantee the sanctity of life.
Security of property and honour. Similarly the Islamic State has to provide security to their property. No one has the right to usurp their wealth. In the same light, no one may attack their honour; e.g. no one may backbite or slander the non-Muslim citizen. Retribution will be taken from anyone violating their rights.
Their right to practice their religion, subject to conditions.
While the conditions under which non-Muslims are granted citizenship of Daarul Islam are many, at this juncture we refer to only those that are relative to our discussion.
Some of these conditions are:
They may practice their religion within the privacy of their homes
They may not build any new churches, synagogues etc.
Should any church, synagogue etc. be destroyed or require repair, they may repair or rebuild such buildings.
They may not celebrate any religious festivals in public
They may not display in public any item having particular religious purport, e.g. bible, Cross, statue, etc.
Such items should also be removed from the exterior of their places of worship i.e. No idol, Cross etc may be displayed on the outside of their places of worship.
They may not ring the church bell, nor read their religious books so loud that it is audible in public.
They may not invite towards their religion.
The reason for these conditions is that the purpose of Daarul Islam is to entrench Islam on the earth. Thus the salient features in religion must only be that of Islam. No features of other religions may be observable in public.
It is only when Muslims firmly enforced such laws that Islam reigned superior on earth. Thus the object for which Daarul Islam was established had been achieved.
Early in Islamic history, the khalifas were mindful of enforcing these laws, hence Islam was the only religion to be seen in public. The result of this was that over the generations, non-Muslims entered into Islam in droves There was absolutely no forced conversions, but the air was filled only with Islam. The atmosphere was only of the Deen of Allah, as it rightfully aught to be. Thus, while freedom of choice existed, the kuffaar voluntarily entered into Islam in such large numbers that Islam soon conquered the major lands of the civilized world of that time.
May Allah Ta’ala in particular reward the two Umars, Ameerul Mu’mineen Hazrat Umar bin Khattaab (Radiyallahu anhu) and Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (rahimahullah), for they were vigilant in enforcing these essential rules of the state. Thus Islam flourished under their leadership.
Regarding the conditions under which non-Muslims will be allowed to reside in an Islamic state, Ibn Taymiyyah writes that there exists a unanimous consensus of the fuqaha, and the entire Ummah on these conditions. He then mentions:
“And from amongst these conditions are those that are related to the kuffaar concealing the evils of their religion, and not exhibiting these evils. Examples of these are the prohibition of them displaying Khamr (wine), or the church bell or yoke; the prohibition of publicly celebrating their festivals and the like thereof. … Also, they may not expose any of the salient features of their religion. E.g. they may not raise their voices when reciting their scriptures.…..
Hazrat Umar (Radiyallahu anhu) and all the Muslims after him, including all the Ulama, are unanimous that the non-Muslims are prohibited from exposing in Daarul Islam (an Islamic state) anything that may be particularly associated with their religion. Particular emphasis was placed on the injunction that no feature of the mushrikeen (idol worshippers) should ever be displayed in Daarul Islam…. This was in obedience to Allah and His Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), and in conformity to the Quráan, while holding firm to the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)” (I’laa-us sunan Pg. 520 Vol. 12; Idaratul Qa’raan)
Some of the conditions under which the non-Muslims had willfully adopted citizenship of Daarul Islam, and which were proposed by Hazrat Umar (Radiyallahu anhu), are:
We will not sell liquor.
We will not display the Cross on our churches, or any other public place.
We will only ring our church bells softly, and only from within [and not outside] our churches.
We will not raise our voices during prayers.
We will not display the yoke at any public place.
We will not celebrate the festivals of Easter and Palm Sunday.
We will not call towards our religion.
(Al Mughni Vol. 10 pg. 606 as quoted in I’laa-us sunan pg. 520 vol. 12.)
When Abu Ubaida ib Jarraah (Radiyallahu anhu) conquered Shaam (
“They may celebrate one day of festivity within every year. They may only display the Cross outside the city. As far as within the city, or the Muslim public, they may not display the Cross. This is only for this particular day. They may not display the cross on any other day. (Even outside the cities)” (I’laa-us sunan pg. 520 vol. 12)
Umar bin Abdul Aziz (rahimahullah) wrote to his governor such:
“Do not leave a cross exposed. Should you find one, demolish and efface it.” (I’laa-us sunan pg. 520 vol. 12; Idaratul Qur’aan)
These quotations bear ample testimony to the fact that religious symbols may not be publicly displayed in Daarul Islam.
Please refer to pages 751 to 756.web page 100 and 145..
Now it becomes clear as to why all the terrorism especially breaking of music systems have occurred in my house.Also refer to pages 738 to 778.As is evident from above account violence is supreme in Islam and the Koran does incite hatred.
Christianity reveres
The Western Wall is holy to the Jewish people because it is thought to be the only remnant of the
Jews have prayed at the Western Wall for hundreds of years, believing that the Divine Presence (Shekhinah) rests upon it and that the gate of heaven is situated directly above it. The tradition of placing a prayer written on a small piece of paper into a crack in the Wall goes back hundreds of years.
Included in the thrice daily Jewish prayers are fervent pleas that God return the Jewish exiles to the
Many Jews all over the world return to the wailing wall in their old age and spend their time in prayers.However due to Muslim control they cannot sound the Shofar.
The rock in the center of the Dome of the Rock is believed by Muslims to be the spot from which Muhammad ascended to God in Heaven, accompanied by the angel Gabriel. There he consulted with Moses and was given the (now obligatory) Islamic prayers before returning to Earth. (See Isra and Mi'raj.) A Qur'anic verse says that Muhammad took an instantaneous night journey on Buraq from al-Masjid al-Haram ("the sacred mosque", interpreted as being in
In Judaism the stone is the site where Abraham fulfilled God's test to see if he would be willing to sacrifice his son Isaac (See Genesis 22:1-19). (Muslims believe that this event involved Abraham's other son Ishmael and occurred in the
Situated inside the Holy of Holies, this was the rock upon which the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the
The Byzantine art that covers the walls of the Dome of the Rock show that it belonged to the Church,and existed from 5th century B.C. to1453.If there is anyone who can lay claim to the place after the Jews it is the Christians with their commitment and devout prayers. The subject matter of monumental Byzantine art was primarily religious and imperial: the two themes are often combined, as in the portraits of later Byzantine emperors that decorated the interior of the sixth-century
Religious art was, however, not limited to the monumental decoration of church interiors. One of the most important genres of Byzantine art was the icon, an image of Christ, the Virgin, or a saint, used as an object of veneration in Orthodox churches and private homes alike. Icons were more religious than aesthetic in nature: especially after the end of iconoclasm, they were understood to manifest the unique “presence” of the figure depicted by means of a “likeness” to that figure maintained through carefully maintained canons of representation.[9]
The illumination of manuscripts was another major genre of Byzantine art. The most commonly illustrated texts were religious, both scripture itself (particularly the Psalms) and devotional or theological texts (such as the Ladder of Divine Ascent of John Climacus or the homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus). Secular texts were also illuminated: important examples include the Alexander Romance and the history of John Skylitzes.
Icon worship was also prominent in Judiasm with its importance to the Menorah which was promised to them by the Pope. The menorah (Hebrew: מנורה), is a seven branched candelabrum lit by olive oil in the Tabernacle and the
"...for if any one do without prejudice, and with judgment, look upon these things, he will find that they were every one made in way of imitation and representation of the universe...and as to the seven lamps upon the candlesticks, they referred to the course of the planets, of which that is the number.... (Antiq. 3.6.7; 3.7.7)".
A third theory is that the menorah originated as the tree of life symbolizing the mother goddess Asherah.[ The Coat of Arms of Israel shows a menorah surrounded by an olive branch on each side and the writing "ישראל" (
Currently, the
"However, radical Islamists adhere to medieval traditions and laws mandating the Jihad. According to the Dictionary of Islam: conquered by jihad, subjugated people are given three choices:
1) convert,
2) pay a head tax, or
3) die.
Thirteenth Century jurist Ibn Taymiya, often quoted by Osama bin Laden, wrote that spoils of war “received the name of fay since Allah had taken them away from the infidels in order to restore them to the Muslims.... [The] infidels forfeit their persons and their belongings which they do not use in Allah's service to the faithful believers who serve Allah and unto whom Allah restitutes what is theirs....”
This creed dictated that in conquered regions, ancient religious sites be confiscated and infidels banned from using them. Thus, the Dome of the Rock was constructed on the ruins of the Temple Mount in 691 AD., Al-Aqsa Mosque over the Basilica of St. Mary in 712, AD, and the Grand Mosque of Damascus, was built over the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in 715 AD.
In India, the Vikramasli temple was razed to the ground in the 13th Century, and its foundation- stones thrown into the Ganges. According to scholar K.S. Lal, thousands of Hindu temples were destroyed and their stones used to build mosques."
Economic and Political Weekly August 1-8, 1992
"for their own purposes, to settle their own scores. This is what seems to have happened on July 2 too.
The riot broke out in Dariapur area Or PreM Darwaza at about 4 pm. The procession of Lord Jagannath was being led by 15 elephants and it had 108 trucks and besides these there were 25 'akharas', and 25 bhajan 'mandlis'. Alongwith each truck the administration had posted one subinspector and four constables. Two airforce helicopters were also deployed to keep watch. Also on top of houses in Dariapur, Kalupur and Shahpur police were posted with telescopes to keep vigil.
But with all this elaborate 'bandobust' riots could not be prevented as some people were bent upon engineering communal violence. All the trucks in the procession were cleared by the police as well as by the Jagannath temple committee after proper screening. But it is alleged that the VHP leader L K Lodha mysteriously brought in several more lorries (some say 15 while others maintain that there were only two) and these lorries allegedly carried stones, lathis and other weapons which were freely used for rioting.
It is difficult to ascertain who threw stones first. The BJP and VHP leaders allege that it is Muslims who threw stones and bombs on the procession. However, Ajaz Patel, general secretary, Gujarat Yuva Janta Dal, explains it somewhat differently. According to him when the procession entered the Prem Darwaza area of Dariapur at about 4 pm the BJP municipal corporator Bhaminiben Patel signalled one of the 'mahavats' by her hand to stop and asked what happened as did the BJP MLA of Kalupur Bhupendra Khatri. The mahavat said stones were being thrown on the procession from the Muslim area. Then Khatri is reported to have stopped the yatra and said'it would not proceed further.
According to Ajaz Patel not a single stone was thrown till then. It was only a ploy to stop the yatra. Now the Hindu youths in the yatra began to shout antiMuslim slogans: (I) Jay Ranchod, Miya chor (Long Live Ranchod, Muslims are thieves), (2) Jai Ranchod, Bandiya chor and (3) Jay Ranchod, Miya madar chod (Muslim is mother-fucker). The slogan shouting went on for quite sometime and according to Ajaz Patel, Muslims were provoked into throwing stones and petrol bombs. The BJP-VHP volunteers then STARTED throwing stones and bombs on Muslims and soon looting, burning and stabbing BEgan. There is yet another theory that Muslims did not throw stones on the procession but it all started from the procession itself. The stones and lathis were brought in by the unauthorised lorries which mysteriously sneaked into the yatra.
It is true that even L K Advani could not explain during his press con- ference in Ahmedabad after the riots how these unauthorised lorries came to be in the procession. Whether the Muslims were provoked into throwing stones as a result of abusive slogan-shouting by the processionist or stones were thrown by the yatris 'themselves is not the most important aspect of the riot. It is only a sparkingoff point.
There is no doubt that the riots, as usual, were pre-planned. Rumours were systematically spread that the Muslims have stoned the procession and riots started simultaneously in many areas of Ahmedabad. According to Nachiketa Desai of The Tele~raph communal holocaust spread to Madhupur, Shah pur and even in the posh areas of Ashram Road. The police, it is alleged, sympathised with therioters. For about five hours on the night of July 2 the administration was nearly paralysed. During that time the rioters burnt about 200 shops belonging to the \Muslims. Imtiaz Sheikh, a shop-keeper from the Shahpur locality said that when the rioters were attacking us the police was with them. He also said that the police was firing from the roofs of buildings nearby. His shop was also looted. On Ashram Road a Bata shop belonging to a Hindu was burnt down because its manager was a Muslim. That night of the 300 shops looted and burnt, 297 belonged to Muslims. The three shops belonging to the Hindus were gutted only because they were adjacent to Muslim-owned shops.
The heavy police bandobast which was , meant to prevent outbreak of violence in fact turned against Muslims. On the very first day seven people were killed, three in police firing including one CRPF jawan and four in stabbings. It was rumoured that the CRPF jawan was killed in firing., by Muslims but later it was established that he was caught in the cross fire by the police and killed.
More violence erupted when the VHP gave a call for a Gujarat bandh on July 4 to protest against stoning of procession of Lord Jagannath. During the bandh violence broke out in other places like Sidhpur where two persons were killed and Surat wherein one person was stabbed to death. The toll in the Ahmedabad riots had mounted to 14 by Juiy 3. At least six more people were killed on July 3 and at least 27 were injured. Most of the deaths took place in police firing, stabbings and group violence. Four people were killed in police firing and one by stabbing with the' situation taking a serious t I: n despite the deployment of .heavy ;;oiice, CRPF. SRP and home guard -eomingents. Of the tOtal 135 injured, one person succumbed to injuries on the morning of July 3.
Many prominent Muslims including some advocates and others told us that on
Economic and Political Weekly August 1-8, 1992
July 2 itself many miscreants attacked Miyawada and a mosque as well as the 'dargah' of the famous Sufi saint Mehmudmiya Chishti from the terraces of high buildings and Jain Derasar of Chunara's Khancha by throwing burning rags and acid bulbs, bottles and stones.
The mosque and dargah were badly damaged. They were also shown to L K Advani when he visited Ahmedabad.
According to these Muslims rath yatris attacked Champa Masjid of Shah pur Chakla and looted two bakeries, one washing company, two shoe-shops, as well as five other shops and houses. They also burnt down a Maruti van, a scooter and 15 bicycles, all belonging to Muslims.
These Muslims also maintained that some, VHP volunteers, right in presence of their leaders, shouted highly provocative slogans like "Children of Tipu Sultan bring your Ruqayyas, our Ram and Laxman are coming to-them':' Not only that, a few VHP volunteers stripped themselve, before some Muslim women who were standing in balconies to see the rath yatra.
During the Gujarat bandh two persons in autorickshaws were burnt alive in Amraivadi. Both were Muslims. The chief minister Chimanbhai Patel also described this incident as most shameful. Also one . officer of the Indian Oil Corporation was 'dragged out of his house in Naranpura locality, killed him and threw his body from second floor. One more shocking incident took place in the Gqmtipur labour locality where a woman was hanged. Also. in Khanpur area four people, including a IO-year-old girl were killed in unprovoked police firing. Of those killed in police firing more than 70 per cent were members of the minority community. The , police as well as the local Gujarati press displayed a communal bias.
The BJP-VHP had planned to take out another rath yatra apparently because the earlier yatra could not complete its course.
But the pujaris ef Jagannath temple themselves opposed the idea and this plan did not materialise. One does not know what would have happened if the yatra had, been taken out once again. The Muslims decided not to take out the tazia procession on July 12. That too was a wise decision. It could have been disastrous in a tension-ridden situation.
Jinabhai Darji, a prominent Congress leader, Rauf ValiuIlah, Congress(l) general secretary and Vadilal Kamdar, after preliminary inquiries have also concluded that the police showed anti-Muslim bias. What a shame that religious festivals are turned into death dances by communalists for petty political gains. These should be, as they were before, occasions of HinduMuslim participation and celebration. But it seems to be a distant dream now.
Tika Lal Taploo
Name: Tika Lal Taploo
Fathers Name: Pandit Nand Lal Taphoo
Date of Birth: 6th Oct, 1927
Date of Assassination: 14th September,1989
Residence: Chinkral Mohalla, Habba Kadal, Srinagar
Survived by Wife (50), Sons (24, 21), Daughter (27)
Tika Lal Taploo was a lawyer by profession and had been in politics for long. He had fought electicons to the J&K Legislative Assembly a number of times but could not make it to the Assembly because of the jerrymandering of the Assembly segment he would usually tight elections from. He enjoyed immense popularity as a social and political activist. He was put to bullets by the armed killers of JKLF. His assassination came as a shock to large sections of Kashmiri population.
His funeral procession was stoned by the Muslim rebids and was attended among others by Kedar Nath Sahni and L. K. Advani as he was the Vice President of the J&K Unit of Bhartiya Janata Party. The Muslims downed the shutters of their shops as a mark of respect to the martyr, but they had to re-open their shops when issued commands not to mourn the death of a Kafir.
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